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"Please leave."

"Porsche! Come out right now!"

Tem and Kinn's voice were overlapping each other outside of the room. Tem tried to yell at him not to enter. As for Kinn, he kept talking nonsense and called for me.

He sounds familiar but different in a way. I haven't heard him speak like this, curse and shout for a long time. Just the knowledge that he is standing a few feet away from me makes my heart weak. The tingling sensations running up my chest are making me uncomfortable. Just the sound of his voice, why am I reacting like this?

Bang! Bang!

I got startled when the bedroom door was smashed hard. The thought of Kinn's face that has been lingering on my mind briefly disappeared. The feeling of concern immediately aroused. I am not yet ready to face him right now.

I don't want to see his face.

I don't want the feelings to return.

I don't want to feel anything anymore.

"Porsche! I know you're in there!"

He shouted angrily. I bit my lips tightly and tried to take a deep breath, reigning all the emotions as deeply as possible.

"Khun Kinn! I'll call the guards. Please get out!"

Tem continued to intervene with Kinn's voice, angered as well.

"Come out and let's talk about it!"


The knock on the door was as loud as the sound of Kinn's mouth.

"You thought of leaving the house without telling me huh?"

His voice was laced with pain and I couldn't help but felt hurt as well.

Why would you care? This past week, you acted as if I didn't exist. Then what do you expect me to do? Where will I be? You expect me to stay and see you play with someone else other than me?

"Khun Kinn, I told you to leave!"

"Then you escaped, go out with Vegas! What did I tell you? Have you forgotten?"

I got up from the bed and stood facing the door in frustration as he spoke those words. I wanted to open the door so much. See his face, tell him that I didn't do anything with Vegas. I didn't think of Vegas like that. Tell him that I have never thought of anyone more than him. But I couldn't. I am too damaged from the past events and I need to heal myself.

"What's going on?"

A third voice rang out.

"Earth, come, help me! Khun Kinn, that's enough. Get out!"

A loud bang sounded from the outside and it got me completely worried. But my heart still didn't dare to open the door to see its face right now.

Bang bang!

"What did you do with Vegas?!"

"Damn it, Kinn! If you do something with my friend, I'm going to beat you!"

I shouted as I felt my patience run out.

KINNPORSCHE NOVEL [ENG TRANS - Book 1 Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora