The Big City •Bang Chan•

Comenzar desde el principio


"Channie, can I have the aisle seat?" you asked politely, watching him as he put yours and his suitcase up above your seats.

"Of course," he replied with a smile, getting into the seat aisle first.

You hate heights. Especially if you were looking down at the world from an airplane thousands of feet up in the sky. It always freaks you out because what if something happened in the sky? Emergency land? What if you couldn't do that either? Fall?!

"Don't be nervous," Chan said with an extra hint of Aussie accent, tapping your leg with a big reassuring smile after seeing your anxiousness.

You glanced up at him and leaned your head back on your seat.

"Just try sleeping for a bit. It's going to be a long flight," he suggested, glancing out at the dark runway from his window.

You couldn't argue with sleep. But it would probably be easier to try sleeping after takeoff. Or you would have a very terrifying awakening.

"Wait let's take a picture," Chan suddenly said, halting you from putting your earbuds in to listen to your music.

You looked up and saw that he already had his phone out sideways to capture the special moment. You did a V sign and a smile with your eyes squeezed shut while Chan gave the camera a closed, dimpled smile.

"Wah," you let out an excited sigh, putting a hand over your mouth as you looked at Chan with wide eyes. "It just hit me that we're actually leaving"

Chan just let out a hysterical laugh, finding your late reaction absolutely adorable.

"I know, it's exciting right?"

Now it really hit you that you would be leaving Korea to visit the States.

When Chan asked you if you wanted to go you automatically said yes (more like screamed it). For the next few weeks you couldn't go a day without thinking about what you guys would do in New York City together—besides going the concert on the second day of being there. Obviously.

But Chan is really sweet for doing this since he knows that you never visit these types of places because of your parents. And since you've grown closer, he's ready to take full responsibility for you. Not to mention, he loves hanging out with you.

You're like a little sister to him, and he's like the caring and respectful big brother you wish you had.


After long hours that consisted of Chan working on his laptop and you falling asleep on his shoulder for comfort, you finally landed in New York City around 6pm.

And you were absolutely starving because you didn't eat on the plane from nervousness.

A car was already waiting outside of the airport for you and Chan to bring you to your hotel. Now it was really exciting.

The whole drive to the hotel was unreal. You had seen New York City in so many movies you've watched with Hyunjin and Felix, but it was so much busier in real life. You felt super out of place, not to mention your terrible airplane outfit. But you really couldn't complain because of how comfy it is.

You had to practically lay down across Chan to see the very top of the skyscrapers outside the window. It was crazy. And to make it even better, you were going to see Twice tomorrow night.

"Now I know you've never been here before, so I will make the executive choice for you for our dinner," Chan said with a smile, taking your suitcases out of the back of the car just as a hotel worker took them for the both of you inside of the building.

You looked over at Chan as he waved you along to catch up to him on the sidewalk.

"What is it?" you asked, jogging up to him as you took your earbuds out and let them dangle outside of your hood.

"Pizza," Chan smiled, walking along beside you with a bright dimpled smile.

"Pizza?" you repeated.

Chan nodded in response. "It's absolutely delicious here,"

"It's delicious back in Korea," you replied bluntly, continuing to follow your leader down the sidewalk.

"You haven't had it here yet, have you?" Chan questioned, glancing over his shoulder at you.


You two walked along the busy sidewalk in Times Square, completely submersed in the city beauty which caused you to accidentally walk into a few people, even though it was completely their fault. You tried apologizing in English, but it was a mess and they didn't listen anyway.

"I'll have to teach you English, too," Chan chuckled and looked over to his left, where you were standing. Only to find that your spot was vacant.

His smile instantly dropped and so did his heart.

"Y/n?!" Chan exclaimed, looking in every direction for you with worry.

He looked for you past people on the sidewalk, in the road...and then he spotted you. In the midst of a big crowd crossing Times Square.

Being bumped around by people in a big crowd crossing the street, a big hand reached out to you. You quickly grabbed onto it, realizing who it was in a heartbeat.

You were pulled past quite a few people until you stumbled onto the sidewalk next to Chan, only to be saved by him. Again.

"WOW!" your exclaimed with a big smile. "That was exciting!"

Chan looked over to you as he bent down with his hands on his knees.

"Never do that again," he breathed out, still stressed over almost losing you in the big city.

You could only smile and laugh at what just happened. You couldn't wait for the endless possibilities in these two days you'll be staying here.

All because of Chan.

A/n: this was kinda just a filler imagine, but I sort of liked it lol. I love NYC, it's so amazing there. Especially the views from the Empire State Building!

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