Descent Into Darkness

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Putting away his assassin life for the time being, Omega started searching for rare and powerful artifacts. He was pretty open minded so he would go after anything that caught his eye. However, what he really was searching for were two swords to replace his current ones. After 2 years of going from pub to pub listening to different rumors that mostly lead to false trails, Omega heard of a powerful sword that was supposedly on the planet Danar. The planet was known to be comprised of complete darkness without a single ray of light and also one of the most deadly planets because not many visit and return unharmed.

The sword itself was called the dark sword and was one of a pair with the light sword being its polar opposite. 'Whoever created these names didn't think very hard,' Omega thought. The legend of the two swords went on about a being of light and a being of dark that fought against each other for control over a galaxy. Each side was equipped with their respective sword and the commander of each army were experts with them. The armies fought for years and were evenly matched which lead to useless bloodshed with only the commanders left standing. The legend said they fought for hours until they were both dead lying next to each other. No one knows where the swords went or who took them so they think dark beings took the dark sword and light beings took the light sword. However, the people in the pub didn't really care about the light sword so Omega wasn't able to narrow down its location.

After the two years of searching, Omega spent another year making his way over to Danar to finally start his search. The planet was located on the far reaches of the plotted universe so it took the whole year just to travel there. Omega was a mix between surprised and not so surprised when he heard the entire universe hasn't been plotted. Surprised because he didn't know there was a line saying people should only cross at their own risk and not surprised because the universe is infinite.

When Danar finally came into his sights, or felt it since Omega couldn't see anything, he mist traveled onto the planet. The rumors really weren't kidding when they said the planet was complete darkness without a single glimmer of light. He couldn't even see outlines of anything around him. Omega really didn't want to step forward into the darkness because there was no telling what he would step on ... or in. Nonetheless, after steeling his nerves, he took a step forward and instantly sank a foot into the ground. He tried to stop himself but wasn't able to get any purchase until he hit the bottom.

He stood still for a second not knowing what he stepped into until he felt his pants and coat soaking up water and he recognized the texture of the ground he stepped into. He landed right in the middle of a swamp! Omega was at least happy it wasn't quicksand or something that could possibly pull him under the ground. After coming back to his thoughts, he concentrated on the water around him and thickened the water in the air to give him sight without light. He 'looked' around and saw there were a few trees here and there sprouting up from the swampy waters that looked gnarled and dead with spiky limbs jutting out from their sides. There was also slime like moss hanging off the branches which Omega decided he'd rather not know about.

After a quick shiver of imagining the texture of the moss, he trudged through the swamp not liking sinking with every step. He didn't know exactly which direction he was going but for some reason he had a strong feeling to head in a certain direction. Since he didn't have any other idea on where to go, he decided he might as well follow the mysterious feeling. About 30 minutes of cursing the swamp and its sinkhole like mud, he face palmed and froze the top layer of water. He stepped on top and continued down his icy path grumbling about how dense he was sometimes and hoped he could find something of interest.

Every once in a while, Omega would push out his senses for miles looking for anything other than the swamp terrain but it seemed like it just kept going and going. So far, he also had only felt plant life around him without any signs of intelligent beings and wondered why the planet was known to be deadly. He hadn't encountered anything yet but he guessed that didn't mean there wasn't anything on this planet that could possibly threaten him. So, he stayed alert.

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