The Award Ceremony

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"Demigods!!" Zeus' voice boomed throughout the council room. Sitting on intricately carved thrones were 12 Olympian figures with Hestia by the hearth and Hades off to the side in the shadows. In front of them stood 8 demigods, (one being forced front in center because he would rather stay in the shadows) tall and proud, albeit, tired and dirty. Behind them were both the Roman and Greek camps, equally as proud and intermixed as one unit forgetting about past hatred.

The war was won. Gaea and all her allies were defeated and sent back to Tartarus, or slumber in Gaea's case. The battle was not easily won and every demigod lost a companion that day. However, demigods knew that their lives were not sacrificed in vain. Because of them, the world was safe and the gods were still on their thrones, able to rule like they always should.

There was silence for a couple of seconds to allow the talking and cheering to cease and for the demigods to relax in the long-forgotten silence.

Zeus spoke, "Children of the gods, you have done exceptionally well in these trying times and all of us give you our thanks." Everyone was struck speechless that the gods were actually ... thanking them. They watched as every god nodded their head in agreement, each one having a smile on their face, except Hades, but you could tell he was in a good mood and was trying hard not to ruin his 'emotionless' facade.

The Queen of the gods spoke up, "Each one of you have fought bravely to protect our family. You stood together as one, forgoing past disagreements and decimating the enemy. While we did lose many comrades, each can rest in peace knowing we won the war." The demigods did a slight bow of thanks to the queen before looking back at the king who was still smiling a rare smile.

"For your bravery and leadership skills, we would like to award every demigod. All damages to both camps will be restored, and hopefully one of the seven here would oversee these changes." The seven demigods up front smiled over at Annabeth and laughed at her awestruck face. She never imagined that she would be allowed to redesign both camps, going far and beyond her hopes and dreams. Having the opportunity to redesign Olympus was noteworthy enough, but now she got to leave her mark on both camps too. Let's just say she was left speechless.

After some chuckles from demigods and gods at Annabeth's expression, Zeus continued with his booming voice, "In addition, there will be a gateway built to forever link the two camps so if one shall need the other, they will always have a close ally." Yet again, the demigods were amazed at the generosity of the gods and cheers were heard all around the room.

Many Greek and Roman demigods became fast friends fighting on the battlefield together and they were sad that they lived so far apart. However, this new gateway would allow camps to intermix and become a true family.

Zeus patiently raised his hand waiting for the crowd to quiet down before he continued, "Now, I believe there are some demigods here that have gone far and beyond their requested duties and have trudged through many challenges to help the gods. Come and kneel before us so we may bestow our gifts upon you." The 8 demigods, with one of them getting a little nudge that didn't go unnoticed by some people which in turn made them chuckle and further led to making him turn a little red, walked up to and kneeled before Zeus.

Zeus' form shimmered before turning into Jupiter. "Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, you have shown amazing strength in battle and exceptional leadership skills that led us to where we are today. Our gift to you is partial immortality where you can only die in battle so you may lead Rome to a new golden age. Do you accept?" Jason looked to Piper not willing to leave her but luckily Jupiter interrupted, "All of you are getting immortality so don't worry about leaving each other so none of you better decline." The kingly side of Jupiter came out as everybody looked at the innocent looking Percy and laughed. Emotions were still high and laughter was always welcome.

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