Ch. Running from the Cops

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Your name... (Y/N) (L/N). You're twenty-five years old and you live in the city of Denver, Colorado. You were born in the year 1997. You're a handsome man. You have pretty good looks. But you're not as decent as some of your family members expected you to be. 

You're actually a thief. You grew up to a dysfunctional family where your parents would fight a lot and your older sister would shun you for being a so-called dweeb. Your sister, Hannah. She was popular in school and constantly picked on you, not feeling bad for doing so and laughing whenever you would cry.

By the time you were sixteen years old, you've changed. You started stealing money and stuff from your parents. Cussing them out. Breaking glass dishes in the kitchen and not picking it up. And so on. You even stole money from Hannah's bank account that she was saving up for college. You felt she deserved it for bullying you. Her own little brother.

You left home at seventeen and you even called your sister a cunt before leaving. You went to live with your uncle Victor who was no different from you. He just told you this, "It was bound to happen. You turning into a thief like myself." 

He like you, laughed at the thought of Hannah not being able to attend college after you stole money from her out of revenge. He never liked the way she mistreated you for so long. He also said, "If she were MY daughter, I would've disowned her ass years ago. Nobody's messing with MY nephew. You were always my favorite among you two."

Right now, you're driving down the road. With you is your uncle Victor. You're both on your way to a bank. Why? Well, you're both planning a heist. It's nighttime and the bank is closed. You have a bag with you in the backseat that you'll put the money in.

You say, "Alright, man. You ready to do this shit? I've got the sack ready." Your uncle Victor says, "Born ready, kid. I'm so fucking proud of you. You ended up like your old uncle." You say, "Awesome. We'll get in there, break into the vault, get the cash. Any gold. I know there's an alarm around, so we gotta be careful." 

Victor says, "Lasers, kid. Lasers are blocking the path of the vault. You're lucky your old uncle knows the code to shutting them off. A buddy of mine works at the bank. Ha! But he trusted ME of all people with the code. Guy has no idea of my background history." You say, "Ha. Seriously? Are people really that gullible?" He says, "Some people in this world, huh kid?" You say, "Yeah. No shit." 

You get to the bank and you pull up by the sidewalk. Victor says, "Alright. I'll grab the sack and we'll head up to the doors." You say, "Got it." Victor turns and he reaches into the backseat to grab the empty sack. You both get out of your car and you head up there. Luckily, nobody's around to see you guys.

You go around and you get to a back door. You get a card out and you use it to pry the door open. You open it with success. Victor smirks and says,  "Just like I taught you, before. Good job, sonny." You say, "Easy as ramen noodles, man." You and your uncle head inside. 

You walk through a narrow hallway and you get to the door straight ahead. You grab the handle and you push it open. You say, "Ch. Chumps left it unlocked." You walk through and you both look ahead.

There are the lasers and they're blocking the vault. Victor walks on the other end where the lasers don't go and he gets to something on the wall. He says, "Shouldn't have trusted a criminal, Andrew." He presses some numbers and it unlocks the code. The lasers shut off and you grin. Victor walks to you and says, "Let's get the money and get the fuck out of here." You say, "Got it." 

You head for the vault and you grab the door handle. You turn it and you get the vault door opened. You and Victor head inside and you see the stacks of money. You grin and you say, "Oh shit, man. Look at that." Victor says, "Right? Alright, kid... Grab as much as you can and get them into the bag." 

You and your uncle get the money into the bag, filling the thing. You're about to head out, but you end up walking through something you didn't know about because you and Victor ended up stepping over it the first time. It sets off an alarm. 

The red lights flash and you yell, "Ah shit! What the fuck?!" Victor says, "Crap. They put an alarm in this vault! Let's go, kid! Bring the money and let's get the fuck out of here!" You and your uncle run out of there and you run towards the exits. Victor uses his elbow to break the glass of the door and you both escape from there.

But as you run down the stairs and you get to your car. You suddenly see the cops show up. You say, "Ah shit!" A cop gets out of his car and he says, "Victor Hudson and (Y/N) (L/N)! Drop the bag and put your hands in the air!" Victor says, "Get in the car. Now!" You and your uncle get in the car with the money.

You start the car and Victor throws the bag of money in the back. He says, "Step on it!" You drive off. The cops come after you. You turn on some streets to try and lose them. Victor says, "You did good, kid. You did really good." You say, "Yeah. Except for the fucking alarm in the vault." Victor says, "Hey. I didn't expect the damn thing, either." You turn on another road.

You suddenly drive your car into a streetlight and it's not too far from an abandoned building. You say, "Ah, damn! Dammit!" Victor says, "Relax, kid. We..." You both hear the police sirens and you say, "Ah shit!" Victor grabs your arm and says, "(Y/N). Listen to me, son... I want you to run into that abandoned toy factory as fast as you can. Got it?" 

You say, "What about YOU, man?" He says, "Don't worry about me, kid. Forget the money and just get the hell out of here. Now. Hide!" You sigh and you hug each other. You head out of the car and you run towards the gates of the toy factory known as Playtime Co. You get through and you run towards the building.

Just in time. You look over to see that the cops got to your uncle and they're cuffing him, now. You sigh and you say, "I'll be back for you, old man. Hang in there." You face the doors of the factory and you see that a door is cracked open. You grab the door and you pull it open. You head inside. Little are you aware, things were going to change for you forever.

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