Ch. 2: New Interest

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You make it inside of the toy factory and you look around saying, "Man, this place is a dump. Then again, it was left behind. So... yeah." You walk around and you check a few things out. You say, "How the fuck is the power still working in this place after being abandoned for who knows how long? Weird." 

You look up to see a display of toys. There's Huggy Wuggy, Bron, Bunzo, Kissy Missy, Cat-Bee and Candy Cat. You say, "I guess I could uh... steal something in here instead. I had a Huggy Wuggy doll as a kid until my bitch sister ripped him up. Bitch deserved to have her college savings stolen by me. Slut." 

You look up and say, "But how the hell am I supposed to get those down?" You say, "Hmm..." You walk into another room and you find this thing with arms and different colored hands on it. You say, "The GrabPack? The hell is this thing supposed to do?" 

You grab it and you slip it on your back. You see some buttons to press on the thing and you press one. A hand goes out. You say, "Huh." You use it to grab a chair and pull it. You let the chair go and it falls. Then you think of something and you smirk saying, "Hmm... I think I know how to get those toys down from there, now." 

You walk out of that room and back to where the toys are. You use a hand on the GrabPack to take it up and grab a toy. You grab a Huggy Wuggy and you bring it down. You grin. You use it again to grab the others. 

You have a Huggy Wuggy, Bron, Kissy Missy and Bunzo doll in your hands now. You chuckle and you say, "I wonder what other shit I can swipe from here. At least nobody can stop me here now, anyways. This shit's abandoned." 

You walk around and you find your way through. You get a door opened with the GrabPack and it unlocks it. You look ahead and you say, "Dude... Is that Huggy Wuggy? He's tall as shit." You walk in and you look up at the Huggy statue. 

You say, "Something seems off about this thing. Oh well." You shrug and you walk around. You see some boxed up Huggy Wuggy toys around Huggy himself and you grab a box. You say, "I'll take this, too." 

You're unaware that the giant Huggy Wuggy 'statue' seems to be darting his eyes down at you, then he looks ahead as to not be too suspicious. You look up at Huggy Wuggy and you say, "Man. I swear you're alive. You look like you're breathing when I get a closer look at you." You walk off with the toys in your arms. Huggy Wuggy peeks back to where you walked off and he grins, baring those sharp teeth.


Within a few hours of being there, you say, "Fuck man. Why didn't I bring any food? I mean it's not like I expected to escape in this factory from the cops when I robbed that bank." You sigh and you look back saying, "I'll find a way to get you out of jail, uncle Vic. Don't worry, man." 

You get in a hallway and you stop. You look around and you say, "Now where the hell am I? I went through that room and came to another part of this factory. You suddenly hear giggling from a female in a distance and you look around. You smirk and you say, "Damn. Nobody told me a babe broke into this place." 

You walk through the hallway with the toys you swiped, in your arms and you yell, "Hello?! Anyone else here?! I heard a chick giggling just now!" You suddenly hear this, "Well, who do we have here, huh?" You stop as you hear that feminine voice and you look back. You hear them saying, "Oh, what fun. A new playmate." 

You suddenly see something with long limbs and pink and color coming down. You see their face and you drop the toys. You whisper, "Holy shit." You face this pink female toy. She has light pink skin, darker pink hair, hands, feet and somewhat curvy body, blue on her wrists and neck, green eyes, etc. You smirk and you whisper, "Damn. I don't give a fuck if she's some toy. What a babe.~" 

She says, "I see you were curious as to what was in here. Mommy misses company.~" You say, "Mommy, huh? Nice.~" She stretches her neck down towards you and she says, "And just where exactly are you taking those toys, huh? It's not stealing, is it?" She tsks and she says, "That's very naughty of you, mister." 

You say, "Never mind that. Let's know more about YOU." She says, "I... am Mommy Long Legs." She moves around a bit and you sigh and whisper, "Damn. Look at the way her hair flips. So pretty.~" She looks down at you and she says, "What brought YOU here, huh? You never worked here." 

You say, "Want the truth, sweetie? I was running from the cops after robbing a bank, so I ran in here." She gets down from the wall and on the floor to face you. You smirk and you think to yourself, "Damn. What a hottie.~" She says, "So, you are a bad boy, huh?" 

You smirk and you say, "I can be for YOU, Mommy. Nobody told me a toy would be so fucking attractive.~" She says, "Hey. Best behavior. You behave and maybe Mommy could help you out, mister." You say, "Yeah? Name it." 

She looks at you and you blush. She puts her hand under your chin and says, "Stay here and Mommy will feed you..." She blinks a bit and sweetly says, "Him just looks so hungwy, don't he?~" You blush even more and you whisper, "Holy shit.~" She says, "Head downstairs and Mommy will have a room for you to sleep in. Be seeing you. I'll bring your food." 

She gets upon the wall and you say, "Hey, wait. Don't go, I..." She says, "Stay here and Mommy will help you out with what you have planned. It does keep you from facing arrest after all, right?" She giggles and crawls up the wall until she's out of sight. You say, "Wait!..." You sigh and you say, "Dammit. I wanted her closer to me." 

You look up and you say, "Fuck, she was hot. That Mommy Long Legs. Is she a toy from here that I didn't know about? Fuck all the other shit I was going to take... I want to see HER more. Such a minx.~" You head to where Mommy Long Legs told you to go.

Obsession With a Giant Toy (Mommy Long Legs x (Male)Reader)Where stories live. Discover now