Chapter 2: I Need You

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We arrive at oak creek, and I look around frantically for Void, but I don't see any sign of him. My sharp ache grows even more as I look to see Scott running and I hesitantly go after to help Lydia. 

After getting to Lydia, I ask the second Scott opens the gated cell door "Where is he?" Lydia shrugs then start to talk frantically but I do recall her saying something about someone is going to die because we came, and we all start running down the hall when the pain grows suddenly making me slow down a lot more. 

I start to fall to the ground and Lydia stays as Scott unhearing keeps going. I try to get Lydia to leave but she doesn't as I shut my tired eyes and what I see shocks me as I realize I'm looking through Voids eyes seeing the fight unfold. 

I see an Oni going for Issaac, but Allison kills it and then I hear the silent order "Kill her." Just then another Oni comes up while she was distracted by the one, she killed and he then orders the Oni to retreat saying to me "I really am sorry Stiles and I want to be side by side, but the pack will kill you." 

I interject "Void I don't care . . ." I stifle a sob continuing "I need you. I'll be lost without you and if they do kill you then I will NEVER forgive any of them for participating in your murder. So please Void meet with me and we can kill them together." He seems as if he's thinking before he answers, "Alright where and when, I'll go now." I smile as I tell him the time and place.



I'm waiting anxiously as I check the time again when I look up from my watch feeling a presence and I turn to see him. I smile and say "I meant what I said. You've done a lot for me in the however long we've been . . . 

Connected a whole lot more than the years Scott and the pack. I need you . . . I . . . I would be lost without you. Please . . I . . ." 

I let out a sob as he embraces me in a hug telling me "It's alright. . . I'm here. Like I said, "I'm not going far." 

I look up smiling as he tells me "Now close your eyes." I do as I'm told and soon, I hear a buzz. I feel a bug on my face as I realize, and I open my mouth. 

He flies in causing me to choke and I start coughing. Not long after the end of my coughing does all the too familiar voice echo through my head "We are one once again aren't we and now it's time for the main course." I smirk as I give him control and as the first time, I sit atop the Nemeton watching it all unfold.

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