chapter 15 - the devil

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TW: strong language and mentions of smut / kissing

I walked into my house, and quickly snuck into my room to go to bed before anyone would see me.

The next morning, I woke up to Dustin banging two pans and marching around in my room.

I shot up, still in my cheer uniform.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled, getting up off my bed.

"Where were you last night?" Dustin stopped banging the pans together.

"At the party? Like you knew about?" I said.

"WITH EDDIE!" He pointed his finger at me.


Dustin stared at me and gave me a dirty look before leaving my room.

I decided to change into a cropped shirt with a pair of sweats. I put my hair up in a bun and decided to do my makeup the best I could, trying to hide the fact that I was hungover.

I walked out to my empty kitchen, as the phone started to ring.

I walk over to the phone and grab the handle, picking it up and putting it to my ear, twisting my finger around the cord.

"Hello?" I said.

"Did you just wake up?" I could hear Eddie's voice echo through the line.

"Yeah." I smiled behind the phone.

"Okay, well get ready, and come over."

"Eddie, my brother-." He cut me off.

"Oh cmon, what's Dusty-bun gonna do to me?" He laughed.

"Okay I guess. I'll see you in 10." I smiled and said goodbye, hanging up the phone.

I walked to my room and grabbed my stuff, about to leave through the front door.

"Where are you going?" Dustin stopped me.

"None of your business." I said.

"y/n, why are you being such a bitch?"

"God Dustin, why do you care if I'm hanging out with boys. I'm old enough to fuck Eddie if I wanted."

Dustin's face fell straight as he pointed at me.

"Don't you dare fuck him y/n!" He yelled, as I smiled and waved at him, walking out the door, and on my way to Eddie's.

I had only been to Eddie's once before, and that was when I decided to get my first tattoo. So I know my way there easily.

I drove there, and pulled into the dirt driveway outside, getting out of my car and walking towards his door.

He opened before I could knock, letting me in.

"y/n." He bowed as I stood in his living room.

"Eddie." I laughed.

"Oh I totally forgot!" He smiled, rushing to his room.

"What?" I followed him, and saw him take his guitar off the wall of his bedroom.

"Metallica fan, right?" He said, sitting down on his bed, and propping the guitar up on his leg.

I sat next to him, and watched as he tuned the cords, placing his fingers on random notes.

He got up, placing the guitar down next to me, and hooked up cords to a small stereo, that didn't play loud, but played loud enough for me.

He walked back over, picking up the guitar, before strumming a simple note.

"You ready?" He said.

I nodded and smiled, watching him.

He then, strummed a louder cord, and started to play my favorite song, Master Of Puppets.

His fingers pressed cords in a pattern, as he quickly strummed to the cord with his red pick, and hummed to the beat.

He played a solid minute or two into the song, and he was really good at it.

I watched him smile as he stopped the song on a good note.

"That was amazing, thank you!" I smiled brightly, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I knew you would like it, I hadn't played that song in awhile, needed a tune up." He said, as he stretched, sneaking his arm around me, his hand resting on my waist.

"Sneaky Munson." I giggled, kissing him on the lips.

"y/ you remember what we did at the party?" He asked.

"Yeah of course, how could I forget? I mean I don't regret a single bit of it." I smiled, watching Eddie smile from my comment.

"That's good." He smiled looking down, at his hands.

"Tomorrow, do you want to sit with the hellfire club at lunch, to you know...get away from Patrick." Eddie said.

"Of course, but I'm not worried about Patrick anymore." I said.

"Oh?" Eddie lifted his head up to look at me.

"There's only one boy on my mind." I laughed.

"And there's only one girl on mine." Eddie laughed for a bit too, before kissing me.

"You should teach me how to play the guitar." I smiled as I pulled apart from his kiss.

"Do you want to?" He asked.

I nodded and he pulled me into his lap, grabbing his guitar.

He propped the guitar up on my leg before taking my hand, placing it at the top of the guitar.

"Okay so I'm going to place your fingers on the strings, and have you strum with my pick."

"Okay Eddie." I smiled as I felt his head rest on my shoulder.

He gave me his pick and showed me what string to strum, telling me the letters of the notes.

He held his hands over mine, helping me play the guitar.

"Your doing great." He said, even though he was lying. I was so off tune.

I stopped and looked at him, before kissing him.

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