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Sunghoon couldn't stop looking at his phone, he was doing his homework well at least he tried to do it but just couldn't concentrate. He was sure his phone already had holes in it by now because he was staring at it so much.

Just as he convinced himself that Heeseung wouldn't text him anytime soon he got a text. He was surprised but didn't run to his phone immediately. He didn't want Heeseung to think he had been waiting for his text even if that was exacly what he was doing. 

After five minutes he couldn't take it anymore he ran to his bed where his phone was, just to see it wasn't from Heeseung but from Sunoo who just died over Ni-ki's cuteness once again. He smiled at the message from his totally whipped friend but was also somehow dissapointed.

On the other hand, Heeseung also stared at his phone unsure when and what to text Sunghoon. He had tried hundreds of times already but somehow he just couldn't get himself to send the message. 

,, Gosh would you stop looking at your phone and just call him you idiot of a hyung!" Jungwon groand from the door to the livingroom where Heeseung sat on the couch. Heeseung flinched at the sudden comment of Jungwon.

,, How do you know who i was about to text?" Heeseung asked now annoyed by the not really helpful comment from his brother.

,, Well nobody but my beautiful friend Park Sunghoon could get my brother so work up over a stupid message..." Jungwon said while he sat down next to Heeseung .

,, And since you've been staring at your phone for the past hour now, i suggest you man up and call him now!" Jungwon said and hit his brother lighly at the shoulder.

,, Says you who can't even 'man up' and face Jay..." Heeseung answered with a wide smirk. 

,, Thats- i- Thats something completly diffrent-" Jungwon tried to argue with already red ears.

,, Suree~~" Heeseung said while leaving the room to go to his bedroom.

Sunghoon had now completly given up on trying to do his homework, instead he spend the time scrolling on his phone and texting with Sunoo.

Suddenly he got a call from an unknown number. Not really thinking he answered it.

,, Hello" He said.

,, Hey Skaterboy, it's me. Heeseung!" the person on the other line said.

Sunghoon was shocked, he didn't expect Heeseung to call him... Or did he call him to cancel the hang out they planed for today? No he wouldn't, maybe he just wanted to call to- 

His thoughts got interrupted.

,, Hello? Sunghoon?" Heeseung asked after he heard nothing for awhile.

,, Hey Heeseung Hyung! Sorry!" Sunghoon quickly answered feeling his ears and cheeks getting red.

,, I just wanted to call you because of the hang out later, you know when your free and stuff." Heeseung then said.

,, And i missed your voice so i am calling you!" he added and Sunghoon could sense that he was smirking.

,, yeah of course!" Sunghoon said and started laughing.


After a while they agreed that they were going to meet at the café near the school and from there go to the mall and maybe watch a movie at the end of the day since it was Friday.

Sunghoon was nervous, very nervous to be exact. He had his whole outfit planned already even if it was still two hours until they will meet. He didn't want to overdress but also didn't want to go in his daily cloths...

Ice for life ~heehoon~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora