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All Sunghoon could think of was Heeseung even if he just talk to the boy for a very short time.

Same goes with Heeseung, all he thought of through the lesson was Sunghoon and his pretty smile he had when he was skating the other day.

,, Yo bro everything alright?" One of Heeseung's friends, Jay , asked the boy.

,, Hm? Ah yeah I am perfectly fine, don't worry!" Heeseung said and went back to stupidly smiling in the air. Jay just looked at the boy and as to laugh.

,, What is it now?" Heeseung asked.

,, Sorry you just looked so stupid with that smile on your face and-" he had to interrupt himself because of the laughing. ,, I really wonde who could do that to THE Lee Heeseung!" Jay continued after the laughing pause.

,, Aish if you would care, all you care about is my little brother who's always at our games..." Heeseung said and rolled his eyes at his friend who frowned.

,, Hey! That's not true!" He said loudly. It was funny how he was trying to explain himself afterwards but Heeseung wasn't listening anymore he was back in his thoughts.

When Sunghoon excited the class he went to the little school garden, which he saw on the way to the class earlier.

He sat on a bench and just looked around a little he had a bit of time until he had to go to the next lesson so he just sat there until he thought it was time to go.

On the way to class he suddenly bumped into a boy that shorter than him, the friend of the boy immediately went to his friend to help him up.

,, Oh I am so sorry I didn't paid attention where I was going!" Sunghoon said immediately and also helped the boy stand up.

,, It's okay I was also not really looking so it's really okay!" The boy that fell said.

,, Oh no you dropped your books!" Sunghoon realised and helped to pick them up.

,, Thanks" he said.

,, I am Sunghoon by the way, I am new here." I introduced myself and held out my hand.

,, I am Jungwon and this is my friend Sunoo, nice to meet you!" He said and shook my hand.

,, Nice to meet you too, ah how old are you two?" Sunghoon asked.

,, I am 16 and Sunoo hyung is 17 years old and you?" Jungwon answered.

,, Ah I am older than, I am 18!" Sunghoon said with a smile.

,, Okay then, do want to go to the café after school ended hyung? You seem like a cool person!" Sunoo asked after he also shook Sunghoon's hand. Jungwon nudged him and he seemed to realised something.

,, Well not directly after school but maybe this afternoon or something." Sunoo corrected himself.

,, Well I would love to go to the café with you but can I asked why not directly after school?" Sunghoon asked confused.

,, Ah you see after school there is ice hockey training and-" Sunoo started but stoped when Jungwon looked at him.

,, You guys play ice hockey that's cool I could come and watch you guys!" Sunghoon said excitingly.

,, Well no we don't play bu- you know what hyung? You could just come with us then you will see!" Sunoo said.

,, Great and after that we go in the café deal?" I asked.

,, Deal!" Jungwon and Sunoo said and they all smiled than said goodbye to go to class


Sunghoon was more than excited he was making friends on his first day, friends who did not use him for fame or something, well that's what he hoped but Sunoo and Jungwon didn't seemed like that type of person so he was sure they really wanted to be his friends...

After his last class he went to the ice rink that the school owned, of course he knew where that was, that was the first thing he searched for when he came here.

When he arrived he saw Sunoo and Jungwon standing infront of the rink and it looked like they were not sure if they should enter.

,, Hey guys!" Sunghoon yelled and waved. When the other two boys saw him they waved back.

Sunghoon run over to them while smiling.

,, What are we waiting for let's go in shall we?" He asked but Sunoo and Jungwon pulled him back. Sunghoon looked at them confused.

,, Well you should probably know why we are here." Sunoo and looked at the ground shyly.

,, We are not on the team or something but " Jungwon began but Sunghoon realised it and smiled before he could continue.

,, Your crushes are in there aren't they?" He asked while smirking. Now he understood why they were so shy to enter the rink.

,, How-?" Sunoo and Jungwon looked at me in disbelief.

,, Well you are here in your free time and shy to enter, means you are here either because one of your brothers is in there or because of your crush simple?!" Sunghoon explained while he smirked at two shorter boys.

,, Well actually my brother is on the team but I am not here because of him..." Jungwon said and stared to play with his hoodie strings.

,, Okay well then let's go in there or not?" Sunghoon asked and pulled the two boys inside.

The hockey players were already in the middle of training when the boys sat on a bench.

,, Sunghoon we were never in here before, why did you pulled us inside?" Sunoo whispered to Sunghoon.

,, Seriously how were you guys even looking at them if you were never in here?"

,, We always looked through some window because otherwise my brother would tease me forever about me having a crush on one of his teammates..." Jungwon whispered to me from the other side.

,, Well who is your brother then?" Sunghoon asked but that questions answered itself when someone from the team skated towards the three boys.

,, Jungwon what are yo- Sunghoon? You know my brother?" The boy asked and then pulled the helmet off of his head.

,, Heeseung hyung, you know Sunghoon hyung?" Jungwon asked confused.

,, Yes but how do you both know him?" Heeseung asked also very confused.

,, I- we bumped into each other in the hallway and wel-" Sunghoon stared to explain but was interrupted by Sunoo.

,, We invited him to go to the café but we wanted to come here first because- I don't know the reason anymore!" Sunoo said nervously while playing with his fingers.

,, Alright you could sit here but please don't be too loud alright? We really need to focus these days!" Heeseung said and than skated back to the team again.

,, We're really lucky he didn't knew we were lying..." Sunoo said and held his chest.

,, Oh he definitely knew you were lying but didn't want to ask because he knew we wouldn't tell him the truth so he will ask me later at home multiple times." Jungwon said while staring at the rink, spacing out.

The three of them then went quiet to watch the ice hockey team.

Sunghoon found it hilarious to watch both of them just starting at someone in the rink and he really had a problem trying not to laugh at the two.

He ended up also staring at the rink so he wouldn't look at the two beside him.

His eyes automatically searched for Heeseung, he himself didn't knew why. Maybe because he was the only one he knew or could recognise. His moves were really something else when he was on ice.

After an hour the three finally decided to go to café, well Sunghoon decided to so he dragged the other two with him outside the ice rink.


I don't really know how ice hockey works so I am sorry if I write something wrong.

I hope you liked this story so far.

Thanks for reading :))

Ice for life ~heehoon~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora