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The three boys arrived at the café, sat down and ordered there drinks.

,, So how long have you guys been doing that?" Sunghoon asked after they got their drinks.

,, I- we... I really don't know maybe for weeks or months I don't know..." Jungwon said and looked to Sunoo.

,, Don't look at me like that I don't know too, we just started one day after one of their games that's all I know!" Sunoo said.

,, All right and who do you look at?" Sunghoon asked while smirking at the two, now blushing, boys infront of him.

,, Well- you wouldn't even know who we mean even if we told you the names." Jungwon explained.

,, Well, yeah but it's hilarious to look at the both of you being flustered while I just mentioned them!" Sunghoon laughed out.

,, Don't act like you weren't looking at one of them too!" Sunoo said and Sunghoon immediately shut his mouth.

,, I wasn't-" he tried to explain but Jungwon interrupted him.

,, Don't try to deny it I mean I get it my brother IS attractive but-"

,, Hold on I was just looking at how he was on ice not starring at him or something!" Sunghoon explained to the two younger boys.

,, Yeah yeah alright we believe you..." Sunoo said but had a big smirk on his face.

,, Aish, you know I was a figure skater and so I just looked at how good he could skate you know." Sunghoon again tried to explain even if he knew the other two wouldn't believe him.

,, Sure sur- wait you were a figure skater?" Jungwon asked.

,, Yeah why?" Sunghoon answered.

,,Wow that's so cool! Do you have a video or something, I want to see you!!" Sunoo said with a shocked but amazed look.

,, I think I filmed myself once but I have to search for it wait!" Sunghoon answered and pulled out his phone.

It didn't take him long to find the video. He showed it to Sunoo and Jungwon and the both of them just looked at his phone totally amazed by Sunghoon.

,, Wow, you are honestly so good hyung!" Jungwon said still super amazed.

,, Yeah and you look so happy! What made you stop hyung?" Sunoo asked. Sunghoon got quiet and just looked at his lap sadly.

,, My Stepmom made me stop..." He said while blinking away the few tears that came up.

,, Oh, I am sorry to hear that... " Both of them said.

,, Maybe I could asked Heeseung hyung if we can use the rink for a bit tomorrow, I am sure he would allow it!" Jungwon said after a while of silence.

,, Yeah, I mean I am not good at ice skating but I would love to!" Sunoo said with a big smile on his face.

,, That would be really nice but if my stepmom knew I just put a foot inside the rink I don't know what she would do." Sunghoon said with a sad smile.

,, Don't worry she won't know!" Sunoo answered.

,, Yeah just say you will be with us or something!" Jungwon also tried to convince him.

,, Alright but not to long alright otherwise I will never be able to let go of it!" Sunghoon gave in.


Heeseung sat on the in the livingroom of his and his brother's house, their parents worked and loved in another country.

He was watching TV but couldn't really concentrate on the show he was watching because he still thought about that boy.

He then suddenly heard the front door open and knew it was his brother.

,, Hey Heeseung hyung!" Jungwon said as he entered the living room. He came to him and let himself fall on the couch beside Heeseung.

,, Hey Jungwon, how was your day except for the part of the day you were at the rink admiring someone..." Heeseung asked him with a smirk. Jungwon just glared at him.

,, Good! Sunoo hyung, Sunghoon hyung and I went to this café and talk like really long. " Jungwon then said with a smile.

,, By the way can you give the keys for the rink tomorrow just for a bit?" He asked while sitting up on the couch.

,, For what exacly you never really skated before and now you suddenly want to skate?" Heeseung ask while raising his eyebrows.

,, Not just for me dummy! Of course Sunoo hyung and Sunghoon hyung are there with me, well technically we are just there for Sunghoon hyung because he was an ice skater once and we just wanted to do him a favour you know..." Jungwon admited.

,, I can but i will be there with you because i can't just give away the key, not even to you little bro! Alright?" Heeseung said after thinking a little.

,, Ugh. If you have to. But no jugding about me and Sunoo because you know we can't really skate!" Jungwon said and glared at his older brother laughed.

,, Alright, Alright!" Heeseung laughed and then looked away.

,, Maybe i could ask someone from the hockey team to help you two." He said quietly but Jungwon still heard him and blushed.

,, Don't. You. Dare. I am gonna fall then!" Jungwon then yelled while throwing a pillow at the older, which he ofcourse catched.

,, I thought you already fell..." Heeseung answered and laughed again this time even harder than before.

,, You-" Jungwon said and started chasing his brother through the house.


It was the next day and Sunghoon couldn't really concentrate himself in the last class because he was so excitied to stand on ice again. It wasn't that long since he last did but everytime it felt like forever...

He sprinted out of the class as soon as the bell rang and ran towards the ice rink but when he arrived nobody was their except the ice hockey team. He didn't waited too long then Jungwon and Sunoo arrived too.

,, Finally you are here i waited for ages!" Sunghoon said.

,, Woah! Calm down hyung. Besides we still have to wait for the hockey team to finish the training..." Jungwon said.

,, Yeah so we will just wait here outside or should we go to the café again?" Sunoo said with red ears and was about to go away from the rink when Sunghoon held him back.

,, No, no, no we are not going away! We will just wait inside. Besides don't you two want to see your cru-" Sunghoon said but got cut off from Jungwon who shut him up with his hand.

,, Don't say that out too loud Sunghoon Hyung. Please!" Jungwon said now also with red ears.

,, Alright alright ..." Sunghoon said while smirking, he then dragged the other two in the ice rink. 

They again just sat there watching the hockey players and Sunghoon just automatically looked for Heeseung, he himself didn't really know why...


Here is finally the next chapter...

sorry it took so long

Thanks for reading <3

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