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The Helicopter had flown for roughly 10 minutes, circling town, photos of the area were taken.

"This is weird, an old castle, a walled city, a small village, and some ruins. This should be interesting to explain." The pilot said.

They continued to fly, before starting to return to the town of Oxwood. The Helicopter landed and the pilots would be told of the events. The Town's emergency council was meeting in the town hall.

Walking into the town hall, they were lead into a room used for meetings, and was met by the emergency council, made up of the police chief, the captain of the national guard outpost, the manager of the water treatment plant, fire chief, lead doctor at the hospital, and collage's dean. They all were there to discuss what was beyond the town.

"From what we have been able to see, near the coast is this small town, 10 to 20 houses, what looks like a few fields, vineyards maybe, also cattle, that's to the east, along with an ocean, or just a land locked sea. To the West, we were able to see mountains and near the mountains was a walled city, a few guys on horses rode out some way, dressed funny. To the north was a castle surrounded by a wooden wall. Even further north was a forest, tall trees, saw smoke, maybe some village of sorts. Oh, and some ways from the small sea side village was like ruins, best we could say, picture those old greek ruins, and that's what what it kind of looked like." They showed a crude map, with "Village" marked by a small house, "Walled city" with a fenced house, "Castle" marked by a cartoon castle, and the forest was just a shaded area.

The pair were lead out and everyone looked around.

"I think we should see what is in the castle, then we move to the forest, smoke seems like a good sign. We should probably take a truck, something that can handle rough terrain better." The police chief said.

"The Helicopter should not be used too much, replacement parts could be impossible to find after we go through ours." the hospital's lead doctor explained.

"Same can be said for our helicopter. We should get an idea for ammo. I heard the gun shop got lucky, stocked up on ammo and guns. Along with materials to reload spent shells." the captain of the outpost said.

"I say we have 6 months before we have to let the people begin choosing the leadership, or at least have some representation on this council. I also think we need to bring in more....trained individuals, I would like to have a militia form, have some training, just so that we have some safety incase there is any dangers." the police chief explained.

The police chief walked over to a land line and dialed the police station, explaining, gather 6 guys, 5 volunteers with trucks, to go off-roading, they only would need 2 trucks, and would be going to the east.


Vassili Bagdanov, was now the leader of the council, he was planning to empty all vehicles of duel and place them in gas tanks, and keep them with his trucks. He would need to make sure the soldiers were loyal, the cause was would be an issue. They had bags of ingrediants, canned meats, canned fruits. Some foraging could be done, but.....a new source would be needed.

Vassili looked at the population book, 3,860 people of that 2,500 were employed in the factories, foundry and power plant, leaving 1,360 who were not working, of that 350 were too old to work, and 480 too young, leaving 530 who could farm.....however they lacked seeds and equipment.

Maybe they could use some of the cars, and make the farm equipment....or, would take too long. He needed to think.....think.....rationing, and sacrifice would be needed, the old and the feeble would be first to be removed. Slamming his fist on the table, he paced back and forth.

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