Chapter 2

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Hazel's POV

I wake up feeling terrible and tired. I woke up at least 6 times because I was uncomfortable or felt nauseous. I never ended up throwing up but I kinda wished I had. I decide to take my temperature. I have a fever of 101.2, so I go and tell my mother about my current situation. "Sweetie I'm sorry but u can't go to school. I know it's the second day and I'll let your teachers know but u probably won't be able to go to school for a few days". My mother says in a sorrowful tone. "But mom! You have to be kidding me! I can't miss school. I have things to do and people to see. Ugh this sucks!" I yell as I'm running up the stairs. I mean obviously I can't go to school but I just can't afford missing all of my assignments! I decide to take a long hot shower to relax my tense muscles. As I'm washing my body I feel across my neck and I feel a large ball of something. It's quite hard and u can tell its sticking out. I never noticed it but it's not that it could have came over night. I just decide to go ahead and ignore this weird lump type thingy and go have my breakfast.

After breakfast my mother says goodbye to me and tells me to call her if I need anything. I go back to bed and get on my laptop and watch YouTube videos of hairstyles or DIY videos. (Btw DIY stands for Do It Yourself). After about 30 minutes I drift off to sleep.

"Sweetie your going to have a new baby sister!! I know this is really unexpected but it just happened. We don't want anything to change much for you and your brother but some of it might." My mother says. I'm in complete shock. I feel my legs getting shaky and I black out.

I suddenly wake up feeling sticky and drenched in sweat. Whoa what just happened to me? It was a nightmare. A really awkward one too. I suddenly feel really nauseous and run to the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach from breakfast. I go down stairs and get a glass of water. I feel absolutely terrible and I don't know what to do about it. I already took medicine and sleep is obviously not an option so I'm clueless. I quickly remember, duh there is something called a TV. I walk into the living room and turn on Law and Order: SVU. It is currently my favorite show. I look at the time and it's already 3:00! I must have slept for a long time and my brother is about to be home.

My mom and brother finally get home and we all sit down for dinner. I scarf down my food and start on homework. 15 minutes into homework I feel sick again so I run to the bathroom and empty the contents from my stomach for the 2nd time in the last 2 hours. This time it feels never ending. One I'm finished I walk down stairs and tell my mom and she notices the lump on my neck. Uh oh this is not gonna turn out well. "Sweetie what's wrong with your neck" she asks in a motherly tone. "Um I don't know mom I just noticed it yesterday but ignored it" I respond quietly. "Hazel you know you need to tell me things like this, it could be very serious. I'm gonna set up an appointment for you so we can get that checked out. Don't ever hide stuff from me like that anymore. Do you understand young lady" she sternly says. "Yes mom. It's probably no big deal though." I respond carelessly.

Once my mother gets off the phone she says, "Darling your appointment is tomorrow at 2:00 so I'll leave work early and get you at around 1:00 so be ready for me." "Okay thanks if you need me I'll be on my room for the rest of the night." I respond and run up to my room. I decide that I need to get some work done. I go onto my teachers webpages and get my beginning of the year assignments and work for today. I finish those and suddenly my phone starts ringing like crazy with texts from Evan and Chelsea asking why I wasn't at school today. I respond telling them that I'm sick and that I'm sorry I didn't tell them earlier. I start to watch some more YouTube videos and started to drift off. But wait I don't want any of those creepy nightmares anymore! I can't sleep!!! I immediately wake myself up and run to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. There is no way I'm gonna fall asleep. Being the person I am look up ways to stay awake on the Internet, plus, I have nothing better to do. Sadly I can't find anything on that besides taking prescription medicine which is out of the question. Well it looks like I'm just gonna have to try my best.

"Sweetie we are having triplets!! Aren't you excited! Your going to have more brothers and sisters! This is amazing right! Your father and I have always wanted more kids and now that you will be out of the house in a few years it will be perfect! Oh and by the way you are going to have to move into the garage because the babies each get their own room. Isn't this so exciting??" "Yea mom this is amazing" I sarcastically reply. "Young lady don't use that tone with me, If you do that again your phone and laptop are going to "magically disappear". I know your happy about this right?" She says. "Yea mom" I lie.

I suddenly wake up, panting and sweating again. Ugh why does this always happen? I hope it doesn't turn into s regular thing. I suddenly feel sick again. Uh oh... I run to the bathroom and start gagging which wakes up my brother and he calls for my mom. He doesn't understand what is happening because he is in kindergarten so he tells my mom I'm chocking on the toilet. Sometimes he can be really stupid. My mom walks in and sits beside me patting my back. Honestly she is the last person I wanna see because of those really creepy dreams. Just thinking of that makes me immediately throw up into the toilet. I get a glass of water and go back to bed. I sleep fine for the rest of the 4 hours of the night.

I wake up remembering that I have that stupid appointment today! Ugh why can't I just stay home and chill? I force myself out of bed but then plop right back down and go back to bed. That stupid doctor can wait anyways.

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