Chapter forty nine The Last Dance

Start from the beginning

"Well you never change!" I said with a smile, barely noticing the nervous glance he shared with his wife, and my cousin, Kate. "You guys need to move down here, I never get to see you guys." I stuck out my bottom lip.

"Ahh, I don't know, I like Alaska." Garret said with a smile.

"Come on! It's cold, dark, and snowy!" I frowned as we walked over to the couch and sat down.

"That is the most stereotypical thing I've ever heard you say." He shook his head and motioned to the charm bracelet around my wrist. "Thats a pretty charm bracelet." He smiled and picked up the topaz gem Harry gave me.

"Where'd you get that one Clara?" Uncle Jake asked, walking over to sit in his usual chair.

"Oh, Harry gave it to me." I smiled and toyed with it.

"We must meet this boy!" Garret and dad said at the same time. If it wasn't dad trying to protect me from boys, it was Garret. "He should have dinner with us tonight, clearly the two of you are serious." Dad continued, "its only logical for us to meet him, I'm shocked we didn't get to meet him after your accident."

"Oh yes, we heard about your accident Clara." Uncle Eleazar walked closer. "I hope you are okay. I trust Carlisle to great care of you." He offered me a gentle smile.

"Yes, I'm fine now, and unfortunately Harry has a family function tonight, thus why we had our date this morning." I quickly explained, my family is very intuitive and the last thing I want is for them to figure out that he is a vampire, he has only seen the house a few times, and those where weekends when half the family was away of camping and the rest where running errands or at work.

"Well then we should meet him before homecoming." Dad challenged.

"Maybe." I crossed my legs and looked at the coffee table. "Whats with the bags?" I asked curiously.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Everyone yelled simultaneously.

"What the Jesus!" I said laughing as I got more hugs. After opening all the presents and laughing, I came aaa with two new bracelets, tons of clothes and makeup, my favorite perfume, a new laptop, an iPhone63, and even more iTunes cards. "Thank you!" I said again, hugging each an everyone of them.

"Oh! Here! One more thing!" Grandma rushed forward, handing me a small box wrapped tightly. "From your grandpa and I." She smiled and I laughed. slowly I began to pull apart the green paper, but I moved my hand too fast and too close to the paper, earning a paper cut just beneath my index finger that began to bleed profusely. I gasped and tried to make it stop, the smell of blood hitting my nose. I felt the urge to vomit at grandpa grabbed my hand and dabbed it with some goss, then put a bandaid on top of it. A few members of my family looked like they where resisting the urge to vomit too, and Mom told me once that that's where I got my ability to smell blood from, and that it ran in the family.

I sighed and finished unwrapping the gift carefully, the tensions in the room going back to the light airiness. "Diamond studs!" I looked up surprised.

"Alice told me what color dress she thought you would pick, and I picked something that would match." Grandma said with a smile. "I knew you would want something for your second holes, and I figured you might wear your silver hoops, so these would go perfect." Grandma spoke quaintly.


Garrett helped me carry everything up to my room and froze when he stepped in. "It was pink. Where is all the pink. It looks like your growing up! Your not allowed to grow up Clar-Bar!" Garret scolded me.

"Become older and growing up is inevitable Garr-bar." I said with a laugh as I set my laptop on my bed and took the clothes I had carried to my closet, the dress for homecoming was on a manikin that had a hairstyle pinned to it. Aunt Alice had ran up to my room to put my dress up before it wrinkled, and I guess she picked what hairstyle I was going to have before I could say no to it. Next to the manikin was a small circular glass table, on it was makeup.

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