8. Offended

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~Monday, September 19~

-It's been four days since Bellatrix and Crystal have discussed the prize for winning the bet and currently, they're both doing very well at getting their people to fall for them. This is Bellatrix's Perspective-

Groaning at a loud sound, I open my eyes, noticing an alarm clock next to me. I hit it and sit up, stretching. "Forrest?" I question, earning no response. Raising an eyebrow, I stand up and walk to the dining table, noticing a note.

Get dressed. We have first year, second year, third year, fifth year, and sixth year. You get to see Potter and his friends today. Behave.


Rolling my eyes, I grab my uniform and walk to the bathroom, changing myself into a first year before changing my outfit, wrinkling my nose in disgust.

I hate looking different.

After styling my hair so it's not insane, I walk to the kitchen, raising an eyebrow when realizing Crystal had put out a plate of pancakes.

"Poison?" I mumble, sitting down and pulling the plate and fork towards me. I cut a bit and sniff it, smelling nothing. I hesitate for a moment, knowing Crystal isn't allowed to poison me, but still being skeptical.

She could've just let me eat fruit. Why pancakes?

I hesitate before taking a bite. "Ok. Not bad." I mumble, finishing most of the plate, which is a rather small portion, before feeling like I'm going to throw up. I store the rest in the fridge and walk to the bathroom, staring at myself, making sure there was nothing in those pancakes that changes my appearance or something. Upon realizing there's nothing there, I sigh and grab my stuff, walking out of her dorm, and down to the potions class. I open the door and walk in, immediately noticing Crystal sitting on Severus' lap, braiding his hair.

"Class is in ten minutes Crystal, I swear to hell!" He hisses at her, trying to swat her hand away.

"Shut up, Severus. Your hair looks greasy, braids make it better."
"I took a shower yesterday! It does not look greasy!"
"Yes it does! You need better shampoo! I'm making that your birthday gift."
He groans, neither of them noticing me. "Please don't."
"Oh come on, you won't get any comments on your hair if I do. Here, let me wash your hair one day. Trial run."
"Absolutely not."

"Please?" She pouts.

"No. Now get off my lap or undo the braids."
"Fuck no!"
I chuckle lightly, and Severus flinches while Crystal simply continues to braid his hair.

"Geez Bellatrix!" He hisses.

"Good morning." I say, amused. "Does she do that often?"
"You have no idea."

"On your lap?"
He nods.

"Don't move!" Crystal hisses, lightly hitting his shoulder.

"Please help me."
"I'm alright."
"You two are horrible."

"Thank you." The both of us respond in unison.

Severus rolls his eyes but begins speaking once more. "So, Crystal and I were thinking-"
"That's never a good thing." I interrupt.

"-That you need a name for each of your years. People will become suspicious when there are seven 'Willow Smith's.'"

I nod. "Do we have names?"
"First year, Ariana Aldaine, Second year Alex Alton, Third year, Willow Smith since Crystal called you out in class once, Fourth year Willow Smith as well since you two have that bet, Fifth year, Casey Davenport, Sixth year, Ingrid Havoc, Seventh year, Ivy Lee. If anyone asks you about third and fourth year, simply say you've never heard of the other Willow Smith and that it's probably a coincidence."
I nod. "Alright. Forrest, are you going to get off of Severus?"
"In due time." She hums, continuing to style his hair.

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