3. To Hide from Unwanted Attention

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Forsaken Tower: Chapter 3 - To Hide from Unwanted Attention


After the match ended, I was stopped at the exit by a salmon skinned young lady with silver glittery makeup and deep pink rose petals for ears, Rose Changeling Tribe. She smiles at me with familiarity, I knew her well. I would say we were acquaintances. "Hello, Briar Rosedarling," I muttered.

"My Lady summons you," Briar says with an ounce of superiority. She was ranked higher than me, 159, I think. Pretty damn good but in truth, she didn't fight for her rank, she stole it, literally. She was a renown thief in the Tower. The only reason no one has come for her by means of physical fights was because she runs with Number Four. Number Four always protects her subordinates. No one wanted to be on the wrong side of Number Four.

"Now?" I raise an eyebrow in surprise. "She wants to see me covered in sweat and blood?"

Briar smirks. "You are sexier that way, but yes, now."

I didn't question it, but it was strange as Number Four usually gives me a ten minute break after my fights so that I "Don't dirty the nice carpet". I followed Briar up the spiral staircase to the third highest floor of the Forsaken Tower. Number Four's apartment suite mansion place had a nice elven door decorated with precious gems and expensive metals. Outside it stood two guards, I think one was a West Lakes Druid and the other was a Star Elf.

She knocked on the door, three quick raps and it opens itself. Briar made a gesture for me to enter, but she stayed by the door. I rolled my eyes, Number Four really liked her etiquettes. I walked in soundlessly, my boots made no sound in the fluffy thick white carpet that lined the floor. The first thing I see is a massive foyer and a grand staircase. I turn off to one side, like usual, it was the lounge room. Empty and furnished modernly with large abstract paintings on the walls.

"I'm here," I called out to the empty halls. I heard footsteps coming up quietly behind me, she was trying to surprise me, but it didn't work, my ears can pick up much lower decibels than she thinks. An arm reached over my shoulders and stroked down my blood covered shirt. Number Four, Darlene Zhaniery. Battle Elf.

"Did you miss me?" she whispered into my ears as she slowly peeled off my clothes. I disliked her with a certain passion, but being in an "act", there were certain rules I had to follow and to not break character was the first one of them.

"Of course," I lied as I turned my head to see her striking red hair and blood thirsty eyes. I smiled charmingly and kissed her forehead, her hands slid downwards. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt her naked body against my back, it didn't excite me, it made me want to vomit, but I couldn't that either. Darlene was ranked higher than me, much higher. We had a bargain going on.

She pushed me onto the couch and crawl over me, sucking and licking my ice cold but sweat covered skin. "Of all the company I have, you always intrigue me the most," she said.

"But I come at a price," I reminded her, turning my face away from her as she tried to kiss me. It wasn't that I wasn't into girls, I didn't care much for genders, more so I wasn't into her specifically. I was rarely into anyone these days.

"Harsh as always," she didn't care. "I heard a rumour, someone has their eyes on Number Ten, someone from the outside."


Darlene responded by pinching my nipples. "Not until we finish."

I held back a groan, this is why I disliked her so.

- oOo -

Three hours later, I walked out of there shakily, my breath was short and my clothes were put on in a rush. I got the information I wanted and I sure as hell did not want to see Darlene again for another year at least, not that it would actually be the case. It took all of my strength to not use my massive supply of magic to fix myself, because Loras Lonerider would not have been able to do that. I felt like crap trudging down the stairs, almost tripping like a hundred times, my ass was on fire and I had whip marks all over my body that also burnt like hell. Suffice to say, when Darlene wanted sex, she liked to get creative with her toys, and I was one of her many toys.

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