2. To Enemies New and Old

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FORSAKEN TOWER - Chapter 2: To Enemies New and Old


I leaned over the wooden railings of the gallery and watched as a line of newbies walked into the foyer wearing their red jumpsuits. The boy in the lead had beautiful blue green waves of hair. I felt a hand close around my un-beating heart, Silvyr Sealight, what in the cursed Nine Circles of Hell's name was he doing here?! He was suppose to be somewhere else! Anywhere else! Anywhere but here! 

I knew there was a spare bed in my dorm, I crossed my fingers and prayed to the current ruling God of Death, Morrigan the 9th, that Silvyr wasn't going to end up anywhere near me. That boy was too good. I don't want to corrupt him with the ways of the Shadows.

Silently, I watched with the other immortals as the newbies walked up the spiralling staircase, stopping at their floors and looking for their dorms. Most of them stopped at the second floor, but not my Silvyr. No, not my Silvyr, just Silvyr, he's not mine, he'll never be mine.

I watched him get closer, my focus solely on him, so much so that I forgot to pretend that I was still a breathing being. Luckily the immortals around me were also too engulfed by where the newbies were ending up to notice that I'd held my breath for almost five minutes now. Holy Tribes can't do that, but the walking dead Shadow Paladins can.

Finally, Silvyr stopped at the 10th floor, my floor. Damn, Morrigan, I live dead everyday for you and yet you couldn't grant me one single wish?

I watched intently as he got closer, finally stopping next to me. 


He was my new roommate.

He stopped outside my room. "Um, I'm the new roommate," he said awkwardly. "Silvyr Sealight."

Desmond introduced himself first, then he introduced the rest of us for us, I was mildly grateful as I wouldn't need to talk. I had changed my voice since acting the part of Alec Seawynd as an undercover operative, the slang in the Shadow Paladins being 'actor', but it didn't mean I wanted to interact with people from my past 'acting' jobs. Desmond gave Silvyr a run down of how things work, he always did that with the newbies, that's why they kept sticking the new ones in our dorm, because Desmond did such a good job taking care of them in their first three days.

"Does stealing from roommates happen often?" Silvyr had asked with far too much naivety, the same naivety and pure competitive nature was what I loved best about him, we used to compete in literally everything, from swimming to drawing to finishing homework first and to academic grades. There was only what we couldn't think of, nothing we couldn't compete in.

"Often enough," I smirked casually, putting on my acting face and pushing those unnecessary thoughts to one side. I can't get distracted. I don't particularly feel like getting caught again, the last time was pretty hell and warranted a trip to find the God of Lost Memories. Shadows who get caught are tortured, in all the horrendous ways one's mind could and could not think of. It turns out that the Holy Tribes really want to know what we get up to and they will do anything to find out. At that instant, all morals and ethics that they have would go flying out the window.

As I say that, my mind drifts, my roommates had kindly gone on to explain the curtesy rule and whatnots. I particularly dislike the curtesy rule, it was sexist, especially since most of the women in the Shadow Paladins could easily beat me up, the ones who were my classmates or seniors at least, they do not need special treatment. 

My eyes kept going back to Silvyr and his god awful red jumpsuit. That jumpsuit really does not do his beauty justice. Does he not know that we could use magic in here?

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