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 You check on the roombas, some of them appear to be charging while the others are cleaning the floors. They seem to have different personalities as they all act differently when they see you. The strange gas catches your attention next as it's preventing you from reaching the exit.

 "That's the 'soothing gas' I carefully prepared for you two. This gas will relax your mind. And additionally, it can change your body. Don't let my good will go to waste.

 But these gasses are not very stable. Who knows what you both will look like after smelling it. Only after experiencing it can you know."

 Feeling something bump into you, you turn around to see Lin behind you. He says that he tripped trying to avoid stepping on the roombas. You look around to see anything interesting and only find a strange machine to your left. It's a part of the wall and has a person-shaped hole in it. There appears to be a small note attached, so you step closer to read it.

 "This prototype was left in the small room before its AI got installed. We found it when we moved the cages in here. Our engineers and programmers temporarily copied the AI of the roombas to it. Although we can't count on it to bring any help to our research, at least it can be a gardener."

 The mention of Prototype makes you examine the hole's shape. It matches Prototype's body with it even having two triangular holes near the top. This is Prototype's hole. It was made for it.

 You feel Lin tap on your shoulder before he asks you if you're ok since you've been staring at it with a hopeless look. You nod and tell him that you're fine. He then tells you that you two should get Prototype to fit in the hole as it might stop the gas from flowing in.

 Lin goes to the terminal to confirm it and it does need Prototype's permission.

 "Do you really want to ask that unreliable robot for help? I doubt it can even be called a robot. Something like 'scrap metal' suits it more as it doesn't follow orders exactly. I am quite curious in what way it will 'help' you.

 Besides, control terminal, do you actually have to follow these subjects' instructions?"

 "The meaning of my existence is precisely to provide most universal services. My service will not change depending on who it is."

 "Ok. Look for that robot. Subjects, let me see what you three can do."

 The terminal suddenly speaking surprised you as you didn't expect it to respond. You both exit the room to talk to Prototype. You both become surprised again to find it gone and with more latex beasts in the trees. There seems to be some bunnies as you can see their floppy ears poke out a bit.

 With so many beasts in a small space going together seems more dangerous. As usual Lin goes first and will wait for you at the end. You stand back to watch him and the latex beasts to remember their locations.

 You can see him which means it's now your turn and you pass through the orchard very carefully. It's much harder now as you can't see well in the trees. The moment you and Lin can see each other, he quickly pulls your arm to get you out.

 You enter the next room but as the door closes behind you, you hear a faint voice. You ignore it though as it's probably coming from one of the latex beasts.

 Just as Lin enters the orchard you notice something through the window. As it flies closer you can clearly see it's a crow just like the ones you've encountered before. It flew into the window before sliding down.

 "Even into glass it flies with an iron will in order to achieve its goal. A display of great courage, but also great stupidity. What is the difference between what you and it are doing?"

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