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 Just as you expected, the room is full of crystals and beasts. There's a lot more ice on the floor and the dragons seem to be bigger and walk on two legs now. You can't help but feel as if the green crystals are letting off some radiation.

 You try your best to make your movements synchronized. When you take one step you immediately notice that the bigger dragon moves farther than the smaller ones. You tell Lin that even if you're separated, you still have to move at the same time that way they'll only move once.

 Apparently, there only seems to be one path so one of you has to distract the dragons. You offer to do it since the dragons are farther away from you. Lin disagrees, but with how they move he reluctantly goes first. You continue to distract them until they're about to reach you.

 You follow Lin's path but about halfway you realize that the dragons are blocking the exit after chasing Lin. You try your best to lead them away but end up cornering yourself. You stand there, already admitting defeat as you hear the door open and close nearby.

 You hope that Lin gets out alive and wish him good luck. Even if you're not able to make it out, at least you went farther than you expected. Your entire body feels tired. You want Lin to survive so you decide to stand still to hold them off a bit.

 The dragons come closer to you despite you not moving and you hear Lin telling you to get out. You see some of the dragons turn around and chase something else. You get through the gap they made and see Lin being chased by some of the dragons.

 He quickly makes his way to you and grabs your wrist. He then drags you to the exit and you both make it out alive. You thank him afterwards but he tells you it's not over yet. You look at the end of the hallway and see a large dragon.

 A pair of crystals pop up at the door, forcing you to go forward. He continues to hold on to you and moves suddenly while telling you to watch out. You do the same thing as him as a pair of crystals emerge around where you were standing.

 You make your way to the room with Lin tugging you to dodge the crystals. All of the dragons in the room are flying so they don't move as much as the ones before. You reach the end and approach the big dragon with Lin still grabbing your wrist.

 The dragon observes the two of you before it hits the floor with its fist. The pair of crystals blocking the door come down, letting the two of you leave. It seems to understand your desire to survive. Lin approaches it even more.

 "... Since that riot. For long haven't seen human."

 Lin steps back, surprised that it can talk. You two pay close attention to what it's saying.

 "You perserverant and also smart. I let you pass Dragon Cave. This also my promise. You can ask one question each."

 Lin asks about the promise while you ask who's the person in the monitor. It nods before it answers you.

 "That man taught speaking and knowledge. I promise him to let you pass Dragon Cave. He in library waiting for you. About person in monitor. They work here. It seem they only one left. I don't know their location."

 You both give the dragon one last look before moving into the next room. As the adrenaline leaves your body, you suddenly feel like you're about to collapse. Lin lightly pulls on your arm making you continue. You walk for a bit until a monitor turns on.

 "We meet again. You two look horrible. I was really rude before. Said some nasty and indecent language. I hope you don't mind, you annoying hidden dangers. You know, I changed my mind. I won't stop you from running around anymore.

 I will let you go to the library and let you see that good-for-nothing bastard you care so much about. I'm looking forward to your reactions after meeting him. But I'm more curious about what he'll do after seeing the both of you.

 I'm very optimistic about you. See you soon, completely useless test subject and left over lab rat."

 The monitor turns off. Lin seems angry while you just sigh. This person really hates you and he's really persistent. You quickly get used to them and resume walking. All of a sudden, time seems to slow down.

 You vision begins to blur and you start to feel pain. You persist through it as the exit is close by. You see a note on the wall and make the extra effort to go and read it. At this point it feels like you're dragging Lin.

 "It's really lonely, I waited for a long long time... I don't have any hope. I abandoned my previous plan. I'm so lonely. If you can really come... I'll treat you well."

 You head back to the path and continue again. There are various latex beasts lining up at the sides of the room. They aren't attacking you but are watching you instead. You see a group of photos on the wall and make your way to them. It shows a person transfurming into a latex wolf.

 The door is right in front of you. As you take one step on the carpet in front of it you hear a thud behind you as well as your arm being pulled. You turn around and see that Lin has collapsed, you carry him on your back and try to exit the room.

 You only take two steps before collapsing as well. You feel pain as your entire body falls onto the floor with Lin crushing you a bit. Your eyes slowly close and the last thing you see are the latex beasts surrounding you.

 Your eyes shut. You feel yourself slowly passing out. You hope that the beasts won't transfur you and will instead take you to the next room with Lin. Now, it's just you with your thoughts. The first thing that comes is about Lin and your relationship with him.

 You never really talked about each other, mostly because you never had any time. You wonder if he remembers his past and what he considers you as. Well, it's more likely that he considers you as a friend.

 Another thought pops up, it's about that person helping you. The dragon said that they're in the library which is probably in this building, but won't that endanger them with the various beasts running around?

 One last thought catches your attention, it's about you. You can't remember anything about yourself. Maybe you haven't forgotten anything, rather you're just having a hard time recalling. What if you and Lin met each other before and you both forgot it.

 Your consciousness fades away, with your body forcing you to have a deep long rest.

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