Chapter 18 At the Diaz Residence

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I was surprised to wake up alone the next morning. When I checked my watch, it's already 7am. Well, it seems I missed sleeping in the same house with my family that I woke up late this morning. I went to wash up then moved down to the kitchen.

"I think I'm regretting claiming the third floor" I uttered loudly as I descended the last stair step and arrived at the living room. I saw the boys there watching TV.

"Where are the girls?" I asked.

"My wife's bathing your niece" my brother replied.

"And the others are at the kitchen, cooking" Dad replied.

"Even Chae-unnie?" I asked surprised. I observed how shy they have been with her last night. Well, I'm confident she can ease them up with her anyway.

"Yup, check for yourself, and by the way, your camera is there by the table. I let the others watch your shots at the ranch" my brother gestured.

I glared at him. I seldom let others touch some of my belongings right, and my camera is one of it too, even to my family.

"You guys are so cute, and she's so adorable" Dad commented and I smiled. I looked at him. I know we have to talk some time.

"Thanks Pa, I'm gonna check on them before they tell her all the awful things about me" I grimaced as I went to pick my camera and went to the kitchen, slinging it in my neck, the boys laughing after me.

I paused at the door way and took in the sight at the kitchen. Mom and Chae-unnie are working together on the table while my sister is stirring something on the stove. It seems that Mom is teaching her something. They are so cute working together so my camera found them as the subjects. After a few shots, I finally made my presence noticeable.

"Good morning" I greeted as I approached them.

"Good morning honey, brewed coffee?" mom offered.

"Always a yes" I grinned as she paused what she's doing to pour me some.

Chae-unnie looked up at me, pausing what she's doing too.

"Good morning Genie, I didn't know brewed coffee's your favorite" she smiled.

"Not really a favorite, but if it is available, I prefer it over instant coffees, milk will always be my favorite" I explained and she nodded.

Mom passed me a mug of steaming coffee. I smelled it dramatically before I took a seep.

"So, what are you up to?" I asked as they resumed their work. My sister's done with the stove and sat beside me drinking her second cup of coffee.

"Cooking as obvious" my sister replied so I rolled my eyes at her. I heard my bestfriend chuckle.

"I shouldn't have asked in the first place" I sighed.

"Your mom's teaching me to cook a native delicacy. She said you love it so I wanna learn how to make it" Chae-unnie answered me properly and smiled widely at her.

"Really? Wow, I'm amazed" I grinned.

"You didn't tell us she is also excellent in cooking Genie Rose" mom addressed me. My parents always use my full name by the way.

"Because you didn't ask?" I replied in the form of question.

"And I'm surprised unnie doesn't know your real family name girl" my sister chimed in. I looked at her terrified. I turned to look at unnie and she is giving a fake smile. Ugh, I shouldn't let her be alone with my family. Now, I'm up for a lot of explanations.

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