Chapter 12 Failed Mission

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I knocked on Jisoo unnie's door loudly, almost banging it, and she groggily came to open it.

"What the hell, why are you banging my door this early?" she complained but when she saw my angry face, she quickly let me in and made me sit on the living room.

"What happened? Why do you look ready to strangle a person?" she asked.

"Roseanne provoked me again" I began and narrated what happened in my room until I left.

"Hmm, I just noticed that everytime you're upset at her, you call her in her English name" Jisoo chuckled.

"Second, that's a new Chaeng. So, what are you gonna do next?" she asked.

"Ignore her forever" I replied casually that she stared at me as if I'm an alien.

"As if you can do that" she finally speak.

"I can, she's stepping on my head already unnie" tears brimmed in my eyes.

"First, because she doesn't know the truth, second, because you made her believe in a lie, third, because she's jealous" Jisoo unnie enumerated.

"So basically, it's my fault?" I asked.

"I didn't say so. Maybe partly yes" she replied.

"I have the right to protect my personal matters from prying eyes so I don't feel the need to tell her about my shitty family background. Also, I won't allow myself to fall in love with someone who haven't yet moved on from her ex and is probably just using me as a substitute or a rebound" I replied gritting my teeth.

"I agree with your first statement, but as to the second, I don't think she is just using you Genie. Her jealousy could be a proof" she reasoned out.

"Proof? Why that's not pertaining to love? What she's doing is being selfish!" I exclaimed.

"That's right, I should probably talk to Jennie and tell her what to advice to Chaeyoung. For now, what's your plan about your search?" she diverted the topic.

"Oh yeah, can I stay here for a while. I'll try contacting Mr. Minno Park and see if we could meet today" I asked.

"Sure, but as you can see, I just woke up, yet I'm still sleepy. Make yourself at home but can I go back to sleep?" She pleaded and I chuckled.

"Okay unnie, if I'm ready to leave, I'll lock the door after me, I know the strategy" I nodded.

After she left me and feeling less angry, I contacted the number from our source. He answered and I introduced myself as Genie Dee, the popular member of my group. He hesitated when I asked to meet him for a special reason, but soon agreed to receive me in his office.

I took an Uber and nervously approached his office in his company. Apparently, he manages a thriving company, a branch of the famous Park Residences. I'm just not sure if he's 'the Park' on it.

"Good morning Mr. Park" I greeted when his secretary led me to his office.

"Good morning Ms. Dee, pleasure to meet a famous idol in person" he smiled at me and offered his hand. We shook hands then he gestured for me to sit down.

"So? To what reason I owe this visit? Honestly, I was surprised when you contacted me" he began.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I have to steal some of your time today. I am looking for an important person but I don't have a name, only this" I produced the wallet size photo and pushed it in front of him.

"This is his photo more than twenty years ago. Can you recognize him?" I asked hopefully.

Looking at the man in front of me now, he's very different now from his pictures years ago. He studied the picture then he slowly shook his head. I felt a lump forming in my throat.

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