Chapter 33 All is Well

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"You like it?" Chaeyoung asked from the doorway. Of course she'd follow me.

"I love it" I beamed. I gestured for her to approach me and I clung to her neck.

"I'm sorry for earlier. It's not as if they're innocent anyway" I apologized.

"I will forgive you if you do that again now" she smirked. Without another word, I did and we immediately deepened the kiss. After I can't hold my breath anymore, I pulled away.

"I should get change before the unnies decide to barge in" I walked to my wardrobe but she followed me and hugged me from behind.

"I love you" she mumbled into my shoulders.

"I know, thank you for these, for everything. To think that you didn't sleep just to surprise me today will always make me teary-eyed" I admitted.

"Just for my baby" she inhaled then finally let me choose new clothes. No, actually, she herself picked the clothes I had changed into after I can't decide which to wear at first.

When we returned, the girls have now moved to the living room and is checking the instruments. I guess it's time to be loud again. Before we start jamming however, each one gave their gifts. Chaeyoung however gave me two gifts so I squinted my eyes at her.

"The other one is from your family. I picked it earlier this week after Leigh contacted me about it" she explained and so I nodded.

They didn't allow me to open any box though so Chaeyoung helped me take it to my room before we began singing at the top of our lungs. After a while, drinks were opened up and each made a toast for me.

I don't have to be reminded to drink less anymore. Voluntarily, I just took sips and focused on singing since they won't allow me to play any instrument.

When it became late, I noticed everyone being drowsy already. Right, they didn't have enough sleep. I then suggested that we rest now and they gratefully agreed. I realized no one was drunk too so I'm thankful I wouldn't need to bring people into their rooms. I volunteered to clear the living room first but my girlfriend pulled me to my room, saying that could be done the next morning. I laughed softly because just after we lay down, she immediately fall asleep. Well, the lack of sleep last night and the drinks combined obviously did its job.

When I woke up the next morning however, she is nowhere to be found beside me. When I moved to the living room, everything was now cleared away and it is back to the neat sala. The decorations in my room was also cleaned even at the kitchen.

"Good morning baby" she greeted as she meet me and pecked my lips. I smiled.

"Good morning babe, you're done cleaning already? You should have woken me up" I asked.

"Ehem, yes Genie, we're done cleaning since it was us whom unnie has woken up early to clean" Jeed answered from the corner and I froze. I snapped my head and saw the maknaes working on something. I turned back to Chaeng with an apologetic look. Seems she forgot we're not alone.

"You don't have to hide it with us too you know, just beware in public, I guess" Blythe commented. Chaeyoung squinted her eyes at me. I took a deep breath before turning to the maknaes and gestured then to come over.

"You see, I know it is prohibited in our contract to be in a relationship with the same gender, but I assure you that, officially, we aren't breaking any rules" I began.

"Officially?" Jeed asked. Blythe know about it already so she just stayed silent.

"Yes Jeed, because Genie here is just my unofficial girlfriend" Chaeyoung explained. Jeed laughed.

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