Chapter 11 They Have their Own Secrets

Start from the beginning

"My, she got hit so hard" she commented so I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Any more rants she told Jennie unnie?" I asked.

"Not much. Accordingly, she asked advice on the right thing to do as she thinks she's really falling for you. My wise bestfriend told her to act low-key, and I guess it's what she's doing" she replied.

"You hadn't told your bestfriend everything you know about me had you?" I asked eyeing her.

"No Genie, trust me. I know I can't hold secrets, but yours is the only exception. I treasure yours so much. I almost got caught by Jennie several times already but I'd rather have her mad at me than to betray you" she replied sincerely that brought me to tears.

"Hah, another cry baby" she teased.

"Thank you really unnie. I appreciate everything" I went around the table and hugged her tightly. As I got better with physical touches, she's also part of the group I allow to touch me more than a handshake.

"You're such a baby" she waved me off but I know she's happy. I admire how she can mask her real emotions and how she's known to be the one who never cries, correction, seldom is the word.

"I am her baby" I replied confidently.

"Which I noticed. I don't hear her calling you that anymore. I actually watched a Gen-Chae video, saying you are fighting, just because she drop the endearment" she laughed.

"You... your watching Gen-Chae videos? Haha, for what reason?" I mocked her.

"That just kind of pop up in my feed so I clicked it. I realized it to be true. At the behind the scenes of your MV, you do have moments together but never heard her call you baby but by your name already" she elaborated.

Thinking of it, she's right, the shippers are right. Even at home, she calls me by my name already. I kind of miss it actually. A bitter smile must have plastered on my face with the realization that Jisoo unnie laughed at me.

"It makes you sad that she dropped it? Don't worry, I'll tell her to use it back" she teased.

"No unnie, don't, let her call me anything she want. I think that started when I told her I'm dating. Maybe she's afraid my date would get jealous so she dropped it" I refused.

"Kay, if you say so" she grinned.

After lunch, we resumed our search. She tried convincing me to watch for a while first, but I'm adamant to continue it while we have time.

"Fine, so what's next?" she asked.

"Maybe searching for pictures?" I replied producing the same picture my mom gave me.

"We will search for pictures of these people 25 years ago and compare with that?" she asked and I nodded.

She whistled long before sighing. She looked at me as if I'm crazy to think of doing that. But when she saw no hesitation but determination in my eyes, she finally nodded. She took a name and began searching on her own laptop while I did on mine.

"Ugh, this is more tiring than I thought, how will I know when these random photos were taken?" she complained.

I smiled at her. It's been an hour and she kept on complaining. I myself hadn't done a good progress but I'm determined.

"Unnie, you don't have to help me this time. You can just leave me here and do your thing. I'd be okay" I suggested.

She looked at me hesitantly before she nodded.

"I think a good nap will give me more energy to help you later. I'll be back. If you need anything, just roam around the house okay?" she left me to sleep and I relished the silence while I continue my search.

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