Acknowledgements and Author's note

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Wow. I never thought I'd actually do it.

Ever since I was little, I've loved writing stories. Some of them were... Not so great, to say the least. This is really the first story that's actually turned out. It may have taken me two years, and believe me, they've been a wild ride from start to finish. But despite everything that's happened the last two years (which I'm guessing you probably don't want to hear about) If it hadn't been for the amazing people in my life, this book would have stayed in the cringey-first-draft phase.

First and foremost, I would like to thank God. For being in my life, for loving me when I was hard to love, and for supplying me with the motivation and drive to make this story.  It's been a really interesting few years, and He's stuck with me from start to finish.

Next, I would like to thank some of the human people in my life. Starting with my family. My parents, although they haven't understood what I'm doing 100% of the time, have supported me through this entire process. And, you know, they gave birth to me and decided to keep me around. So that's nice, too.

I'd also like to thank my younger sisters, Landry and Penelope. They're fun. You (the person reading this) would like them. They've helped me out a lot with cover art and big decisions that I had to make for the story. 

Now for the friends. And buckle your seatbelts, because oh boy, there's a lot of them.

First, I'd like to thank Kate. She's been my best friend for ten years now, and she's helped me with pretty much everything in this story. From the story synopsis to dialogue, she's been there for everything. And I'm so, so, so grateful for that. 

Sefora Turc has been an amazing help as well.  She's helped me out a ton with a lot in the story, along with a bunch of stuff in real life. With emotional stuff. So thank you, Sefora!! Love ya!

Eliana, Caleb, Abrielle, and Ransom White. Ya'll have been just freaking AWESOME!! Caleb has been a big help with editing the first draft (which must have been a grueling task), Ellie has made me some really cool playlists to work to (and some freaking cool gacha edits), and Abrielle has encouraged me when I was at my lowest to keep going and keep working at this story. She also made the cover art, and I couldn't be more thankful for that. Ransom, you're just a cool dude. 

And, last but not least, Carrie Rogers has been such a kind person, and she's really funny and sweet and I love her so much. 

So if any of my friends are here, hiiii!!! I love you all so much!! More than you could imagine!!! And I'm so lucky to have you!!!

Last but not least, I want to thank you, the reader. I know this probably isn't the most well written, incredibly amazing story in the world. But it's my dream, and I love it. And I've had to tell myself, time and time again, that that's all that matters. And, if you're here and you're struggling to write a story, I encourage you to tell yourself that. I don't care what you're writing. Fiction, Nonfiction, Fantasy, Sci-fi, whatever. Do it for yourself. It doesn't matter if other people like it or not. If it's a story you enjoy writing, then keep at it.

I'm no one special. I'm just some 15-year-old girl that decided one day to pick up a pen. But this is important to me, and you have no idea how much I love and appreciate every single one of you who logged in to Wattpad and decided to read this. I'll see Ya'll when the next book is out!


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