Chapter 18

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My brother jumped out of his seat. "What do you mean he's not her dad?!"

My face was frozen in shock. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Anger flared up inside me. "You- you..."

"I know," Mom said. "It's awful. You should have known much sooner." Her blue eyes started to tear up. "I just wasn't sure if you were ready."

I looked at my dad, but he just shook his head slowly. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as well. "Who else knew?" I asked.

"No one. Not even Amanda." She gulped. "I wasn't sure when you were born. But as you started to grow up, I saw him more and more in you." She tried to stroke my face, but I slapped her hand away. She looked hurt by my gesture, but I didn't care.

"So you cheated on Dad?" I asked, my voice bitter and cold.

"Well, yes..."

I turned away. I couldn't bear to meet her gaze. "I can't believe you lied."

"It was wrong, I know..."

A new thought entered my head. "That means I'm a mistake. I was never meant to be born."

"Don't say that!" She said. "You are a blessing. Don't you dare say otherwise. It was just under the circumstances-"

"Who was he?" I asked.


"My father. Who was he?"

She gulped. "You may not like this part."

I gave her a fake laugh. "Really? Because learning that the man who raised me isn't actually my dad has been such a delight. How could this possibly get any better?!"

She huffed. "I met your father during my secret agent career."

"Okay. And?"

"He was an Alpha."

I inhaled sharply. That explains the blackouts. "Go on."

"He was part of the Alpha Freedom Movement."

If I had slightly less self-control than I already had, I would have flipped the coffee table over. Instead, I clenched my fists until they turned white and choked out an argument. "What? Mom, those guys are the lowest, dirtiest, most backstabbing bast-" I caught myself. "People on earth. And I'm the daughter of one?! This is- I'm done. Goodbye." I stormed out of the living room, tears flowing freely down my cheeks. Joshua tried to grab my arm, but I just shoved him away. I might've done it a little too hard, because my push flung him to the ground. I growled and my vision started flickering.

He looked angry for a split second, but his expression quickly changed to fear. "Adri- what's happening to you?!"

"Don't touch me!" I said. My voice was deep and echoed through the living room. I stormed into the dining room. My friends were all laughing at some joke. When I came in, Zane looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You don't look so good."

"You... Have no... Idea." I spoke slowly so that I didn't curse. Uncle Todd, Aunt Rebecca, and Amanda were in the room, after all. When Abel saw me, he nearly fell out of his seat.

"What's going on with you? Your eyes are black!"

Everybody immediately looked in my direction. Joshua ran in and nearly knocked over a China cabinet. "You are not going to believe this," He said, his voice shaking. "Her real dad's an Alpha! Our mom cheated on Dad!"

The room was so quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. Alex dropped his fork on the floor. Aunt Rebecca lost her balance and Uncle Todd had to catch her. Zaria, who had been drinking a grape soda, spat it all over Charity. "Sorry!"

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