Chapter 33

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"And that, guys and gals," Blaze finished, "Is our rough battle plan. We'll have to smooth out some of the details, but overall, I think it'll work."

"Hm." Akiran rested his head on his fist. "I like it. And you called this plan..."

"Night of the Alphas," Blaze said proudly.

"So, let me recap," Terrence, a man sitting diagonally across the table from me, said. "We have three groups. At exactly midnight on November 1st, those three groups attack the militia, the rioters, and the gap."

"Yep," Blaze folded his hands. "And hopefully it'll catch them by surprise."

I leaned back in my chair. "I think it's our best shot."

"But if it fails, we'll be finished."

I glanced over at Summer. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean," She stood up, "Is that this is gonna take up most of our manpower. You wanted to send all of our available soldiers into battle?"

"Well, yes."

"The militia is strong, Blaze." Summer's tail flicked in aggravation. "If this fails, it's safe to say that thousands of lives will be lost. What then? What happens when a big chunk of our soldiers die? Do we just... Wait for them to hit us back twice as hard?"


"What then, Blaze Davis? What then?!"

"Summer!" Akiran pushed her back into her chair with a massive hand. "Cool the hell down! We get it."


"Stop." I locked eyes with her. "Don't cause trouble."

"Yes, don't." Akiran's nostrils flared as he settled back into his seat. "Blaze, it's a good plan. But Summer does have a point. What will we do if we lose?"

"I guess that's one of the details we need to smooth out." Blaze played with a strand of his hair nervously. "Maybe we could send fewer soldiers. Like, 80% maybe? But then again, there would be less of a chance of success if we did that."

"Screw it," Kya, an older woman at the table, said. "If we lose soldiers, we lose soldiers. Can't we just snatch up some more kids from the city and call it good?"

"Mmm, about that," Jen, a young, redheaded Alpha, tapped her fingers against the table nervously. "I think we might have bled the city a bit dry."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Akiran growled.

Jen appeared to shrink to half her normal size. "Sir, um, we've taken too many children. Charlotte doesn't have an infinite supply, you know. The ones that are left in the city, well..."

"Well what?!"

"The militia took everyone under eighteen that's left in the city and kind of put them in a protected facility so that we can't take them anymore and we don't really know the location all we know is that it's really protected by guards and some parents but that's fine right we can fix that problem maybe!" She spoke so fast that I could hardly comprehend what she was saying.

Akiran closed his eyes and held the bridge of his nose. "Jen... We can't fix the problem... If we don't know where the damn problem is!"

Jen curled up in her chair and began sobbing. "I-I'm so so sorry, sir. I just-"

"Jen, get out of here. Go take a walk. Don't come back."

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