Chapter 3

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"Louise, don't do it," Amanda said. "Those days are over. I know what you're thinking, and it's too dangerous. Especially with Adrian here."

"It's the only way."

With that, Mom hit the gas. We squeezed through the gap, and there was a nauseating screech as the paint was scratched off of our car and the cars beside us.

"Are you crazy?!" I shouted. "What are you doing?!"

She drove over the curb, making my head hit the roof of the car. I rubbed the top of my head. The whole car seemed to be spinning. Just as I was starting to feel sick, we hit a lamppost. We didn't hit it hard, but it still left a pretty nasty dent in the front of our car. Mom turned to Amanda, her shoulders tense. "Sorry, I should have listened to you. It was a pretty dumb-"

"The sidewalk is wide enough. Go."


"You heard me. Take the sidewalk."

"You're crazy! I'm not taking the sidewalk!"

"Just take the freaking-"

"FINE!" Mom started up our car again and drove towards the sidewalk. Every car on the highway was honking at us. "Mom!" I yelled. "Stop it! We're gonna die!"

She didn't seem to hear me. Never in a million years would I have imagined her doing this. And what did Amanda mean by, "Those days are over"? My mind was spinning. I looked at the speedometer. 100 miles an hour?! I held on tight to the sides of my seat. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna...

Our car screeched to a halt. I opened my eyes nervously. We were 100 feet away from an unfinished section of the wall. There were 6 AFM soldiers and 2 Military guards standing there, working on the wall. The oldest looking one glared at Mom, daring her to come through. Mom narrowed her eyes and put the pedal to the metal. We sped towards the gap, accelerating at an incredible rate. The guards started firing bullets at our car, which cracked our windshield.

When we reached the gap, the six AFM members pounced on our car. One landed on the windshield and fell through onto the dashboard. I screamed. He pounced on Amanda, but she pulled out a gun and shot him in the chest. He died immediately. Amanda threw his lifeless body out of the gap that used to be the windshield.

I heard a scratch on my door. When I looked out the window, I saw an Alpha trying to scratch through the door with her long fingernails. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. Amanda saw the Alpha on my side and shot her in the leg. She fell off, howling in pain. One of the other Alphas jumped off the car to tend to her, leaving 3 still attacking us.

Another Alpha fell through the windshield gap and grabbed Mom's steering wheel. I heard a sickening crunch as she punched him in the face. He passed out, which gave Amanda a chance to push him off the car. The last two jumped on the dashboard, but they didn't last long. As soon as they landed, Mom and Amanda shot them in the chests and caused them to fall over the front. I heard one of them scream as we ran them over.

I brushed glass shards off my lap. What just happened? Everything I witnessed had actually happened, right? Mom pulled into a gas station, wiping blood and sweat off her forehead. Amanda put her gun in her purse and sighed in relief.

"Sorry you had to see that, girlie," She said, looking back at me. "You okay?"

I gulped, looking at the cuts on my legs. "I'm... fine, I guess."

"Adrian!" Mom yelled, unbuckling her seatbelt. "Does it hurt? I'm so sorry! We need to get those cuts cleaned up before-"

"Mom! I'm fine!" I said. "I'm way more concerned about what I just saw you and Amanda do! What..." I lowered my voice. "Was that?"

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