Chapter 8 It's Not What It Seems

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"As always, should I go?" I asked. The only reason I called her is to ask for her opinion since I can't think straight now.

"I think you shouldn't for now" she replied.

"But she might notice. I'm not in a good condition with her and she wouldn't find herself in the usual morning position. Won't she piece things together?" I asked.

"Then why did you even ask my opinion?" she jokingly snap at me and I laughed weakly.

"But I'm worried unnie"

"Then go" she replied gently.

"I'll go after an hour" I replied and we hang up.

Now, what should I do for an hour? I plopped myself on the sofa as I scrolled through my phone. I remembered Lisa unnie and checked on her IG account. She has been quiet since Jeed talked to her and I'm wondering if she will heed us and come back. If she do, my mission would be easier.

I moved to YouTube and found myself watching videos about Gen-Chae. Those are all fan service for you? Unnie's voice rang in my head. Watching these videos, none of these are even forced by me. Every interaction with her is natural even the cheek kissing, though it has always been her who kisses me on my cheek, but the smile after that is always real, as I'm happy that she is that comfortable with me.

Then her first win on a music show showed up and I clicked on it. Arg, she is currently promoting her solo album. She can't be distracted with problems with me this time. What have I done? I closed my phone and I planted my face in my hands. My head is currently a mess, my gosh!

Just then, I heard the door being opened and I heard footsteps coming my way. She is probably headed to the kitchen but stopped when she saw me. I kept my face on my palms. I want to know what she'll do next.

"Genie?" she called softly as she sat beside me, with a good distance between us.

"What's wrong?" she asked. I mentally slapped myself. She was the one who took an invisible blow yet she was asking if I'm alright.

I raised my head as I took a deep breath. I turned to her and saw that her face is already bare, and now, is looking at me worriedly. What an angel.

"I'm sorry unnie. I know I'm being childish, or unreasonable, or an ass, an idiot, lame, fool, or..." I rambled but she pressed two fingers on my lips, silencing me.

I looked at her surprised. Her gaze is so gentle and I can see understanding, care and love on it.

"Don't be, I realized I can't control you and I shouldn't really restrict you from dating if you want to. I should be the one to be sorry you know" she smiled, but one I recognized to be forced.

"Uh, it's fine unnie, though, why did you cry earlier?" I asked, wishing it's not because she's jealous.

"Because I'm afraid I'd lose you as well. I'm afraid once you start dating, I'd lose a bestfriend again" she replied and I relaxed.

"Also because I'm jealous... That she is making you happier than I do. She's funny, I'm boring. You know, she's better than me" she shook her head and I smiled, masking the dread in my stomach.

For her solo promotions, I'll slow down taking a step back. Two weeks, just 17 days more and I'll go on with my escape plan. I can't trap my own self. The girls and unnie are right. I'll get hurt but with the right decisions, I could save myself.

"Unnie, even if I'd have a boyfriend, you'll still be my bestfriend. I'd still spent as much time as I want with you. I'll still listen to your ramblings. You'll still have me at your reach" I replied reaching for her left hand and squeezed it.

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