I had my manager cram all my schedules for the first two days in Bangkok so I was able to go to Buriram Province on the third day. On my first day at the province, I spent it with my grandparents and has met up with my friend Yaya. We talked of a plan where I will pretend to go at the the dance studio, looking for her, and she will lead me to Lisa unnie.

The second day, the plan went well and I acted surprised to see her there, as much as her. They, I mean Lisa and Yaya are just done with their schedule for the morning and often supposed to go for lunch together. My friend too pretended surprised that Lisa and I knew each other. We all then went to lunch, but while we're on it, Yaya pretended she got an emergency call and had to leave quick.

"Uh, since you two knew each other back at Seoul, I could leave you two to yourselves right?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, will you be okay though?" Lisa asked.

"Yes Lisa, I just really have to go home" she replied as she look at me.

"I'm sorry Jeed, we could meet up later again so we can catch up before you head back?" she addressed me.

"Of course Yaya, keep safe" we waved at each other and she was gone.

Our food arrived and once the waiter left, I laughed.

"Oh, then we were left to eat three meals for two people" I commented and she smiled.

"I hope you eat well, because I can really just eat one order" she asked.

"Me too, if there's a foodie with us, it's definitely Chaeyoung unnie" I replied casually and gauged her for reaction.

Of course she tensed at the mentioned name. She looked at me as if trying to know what I have in mind.

"Did you corner me in here?" she asked and I grinned.

"If Genie is here, she'd say, your logic skills has improved!" I laughed but she remained serious.

"Not really, we ran into each other remember?" I asked and she sighed.

"I just know that you work in a dance studio now, and my friend does too. I didn't expect that you two are working together. I didn't expect to meet you here coincidentally, but I'm glad I did" I lied.

"Why so?" she asked as she bite on her food.

"How are you unnie? It's been like, 7 months?" I asked.

"I'm fine" she replied, but the sadness in her voice is evident.

"Are you? If that's true then I'm glad. Want to ask me questions however? I'd be glad to give you answers" I offered.

She looked at me, as if studying me. I ignored her scrutinizing gaze instead attacked my food. She didn't speak for a while, instead eat as well.

"How is she?" she finally asked and I smiled.

"Took you long to ask" I commented.

"Compared to the first month that you left, she's improving as months passes by. Genie has been taking care of her well. The unnies and we we're also keeping her company. Back then, she would always say she's fine and is okay, but we know she is just acting" I paused and I looked a her. She has her head bowed. When I stopped talking though, she meet my gaze.

"By now, she's a lot better. Her smiles and laughs are genuine, Jisoo unnie calls it back to normal. Her usual cheerful self also returned and the unnies are very happy to witness it especially Jisoo-nie" I continued. She really is. On the few days that she joins us, she keeps on repeating the improvement on Chaeyoung unnie. If I had grasp it right too, she is actually rooting for Chaeyoung and Genie now, but there's no way I'm telling Lisa that.

Straying From The Gameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें