Chapter 1 Back on the Game

Start from the beginning

"We need atleast one of them stuck to the heartbreak, it may sound cruel, but it's for them afterall" I added.

"I understand now, well, it seems that Lisa hasn't moved on as well yet if she reacted that way to rumours" Blythe remarked.

"She hadn't, we could see that clearly, though I almost thought unnie has, you know, with the way she looks at you, and how at ease she has been last month" Jeed looked at me.

"You're thinking she moved on and now has her eyes on me? Crazy idea Jeed, she just see me as her bestfriend!, let's not go beyond that" I waved.

"By the way, you said Lisa literally closed off, how come your friend knew about those informations then?" I asked Jeed.

"She became friends with Lisa and they are actually living in the same neighborhood. They are both dancers so when Lisa needed additional help, she convinced Yaya to work with her,so there. She also know Lisa's grandma, whom she talked with when she went to visit after she can't reach Lisa for an important matter regarding work" she explained.

"Wow, then your friend is reliable. We must really pay her then" I suggested.

"I actually told her but she shouted at me, saying I'm crazy" she shook her head frowning. We laughed.

"So, what then?" Blythe asked. Right, what's the next move?

"I have a plan" Jeed raised her hand.

"Oh, a first time, spill it beginner!" I mocked. She pouted but explained anyway.

"You see, I think the best way to solve the issue is to have the bet back here, close to the betor. In that way, they will be close to each other, despite not belonging to each other literally anymore"

"We could use this Gen-Chae ship to kindle the fire of jealousy and have her running here to claim back what's hers" she spilled the beans.

"Thinking about it, what if she will react to that negatively and turn to herself instead, like hurting herself?" I asked suddenly nervous.

"Uh, yeah, what if?" Blythe seconded.

"Yaya would be there for her, she was, so far, close to her already" Jeed wasn't swayed.

"So what is your specific suggestion?" I asked.

"Let's step up this game because the onlookers are getting fueled up. As soon as possible, we have to get Lisa here quick, before even the betor lose interest on her original bet and focus on winning a better bet. Genie, you should do your share with the ship. You are usually the receiver. Give back and indirectly show Lisa that if she won't return, you'll have what's hers" Jeed explained and I literally shivered at the idea.

I jumped out of the bed and rubbed my arms that is feeling goosebumps, before hugging myself and looked at the two with terrified eyes.

"I think that's our best option for now. You'll be fine Genie" Blythe stood up and engulfed me in a hug. I relaxed against her arms then she released me.

"But what if by doing so, you might be right that unnie will shift her attention to me?" I asked and Blythe looked down.

"That would only mean she is just using you to cover up Lisa's absence" the maknae muttered under her breath.

"She won't do that!" I exclaimed but they remained silent.

"Also, what if I'll be the one to fall?" I asked in a low voice and they both gaped at me shocked.

"Didn't know you're into girls" Jeed mumbled.

"Maybe I'm not, but she could be the only exception, considering how perfect she could be" I replied seriously.

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