Chunin Exams pt 1

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The next morning, Sakichi slept in later than he usually did- finally waking up due to the light from his window shining down on his face. The house was quiet, Sakichi assuming everyone had already left to start their day. Sakichi got himself dressed and stepped out of his room, surprised to see that Kaiyu was just waking up as well. "Morning -" Sakichi spoke softly, his brother giving a yawn and responding with a simple "morning nii San."

"How's training with your team going? You learn anything new lately?" Sakichi asked as the two walked towards the kitchen. "Not anything major really. Our sensei has us focusing a lot on chakra control right now. I understand that without proper chakra control, your jutsus can be less effective but still-" Kaiyu sighed, grabbing the milk from the fridge as Sakichi grabbed the cereal and 2 bowls. "Yea that's true. But if you have proper chakra control, it makes learning a new jutsu a whole lot easier as well. Just trust the process, Kai." Sakichi responded softly, fixing himself a bowl of cereal and leaning against the kitchen counter as he ate. "Yea but it'd be nice to learn a new jutsu. You know? Something exciting." Kaiyu breathed and joined his brother in eating breakfast.

After finishing their cereal, Kaiyu and Sakichi washed out their bowls. "I'm going to head off into the village now, Kai - I'll see ya later." Sakichi waved as he walked off towards the front door and slipped his shoes on. Hearing Kaiyu talk about learning a new jutsu, sparked something in Sakichi. The young boy deciding he'd create his own jutsu to use for the chunin exams and headed towards the training field. As he walked, he thought to himself- deciding he wanted to learn another lightning jutsu.

Arriving at the training field, Sakichi worked to create a new jutsu which he would call 'lightning waste'. Charging chakra into his palm, he'd place it on the ground and lightning would travel across the ground- creating a circle of lightning 3 feet all around him. "I still feel like it's not enough.." Sakichi sighed to himself, having gotten to this point after 2 hours. Sakichi continued to train until he was able to get the lightning to spread to about 5 feet all around him- then he decided to take a small break and rest in the shade. As he took his break, Mitsuha would walk onto the training field. "Oi!" Sakichi made himself known, waving towards his teammate. "Hey-" Mitsuha looked over at him resting. "You done training for today?" She asked as she walked over towards him. "No, just taking a small break." He informed and stood to his feet. "Need help training? I wouldn't mind-" Sakichi offered to which Mitsuha would agree.

The two trained together, first practicing with their katanas and then moving to Taijutsu before they'd practice ninjutsu together, trying to perfect each jutsu they knew until they'd eventually run out of chakra. "So what do you think about the chunin exams?" Sakichi asked as they both sat down a few feet from the small lakes shore. "I think it's a good idea for our generation to want to better themselves. It's concerning that other villages will be participating however... I don't know; I know we are in good hands with Lord Second, but we just got out of a war and inviting others to our village will be the perfect opportunity for them to try something.." Mitsuha spoke honestly, looking over at the Senju beside her. "Yea, it is a bit worry some. But I know my father; if any of the villages try something, they'd be stupid in all honesty. I'm sure my father has thought of every scenario and already has preparations in case anything happens." Sakichi responded nonchalantly and laid back in the grass.

Short time skip

About a month and a half had passed, the team worked hard for the chunin exams. Their new sensei being more than willing to spend extra time with her students to guide them. Each genin had grown in their own way, Mitsuha perfected using her two Tomoe Sharingan, Hiro perfected his 8 trigrams and 64 palms, Akame learned a few more basic jutsus to be able to defend herself better in a battle and Sakichi worked hard on all of the jutsus he knew, wanting to get as close as possible to perfecting all of them. As the chunin exams approached, people in the village seemed to be excited; them wanting the new generation to show off all the skills of Konoha.

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