XI - Ambushed

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Disclaimer: None of this are real. Anything similar to real life is purely coincidental. All of these are the product of my imagination and my weird fantasies. I mostly don't know if what I write is accurately possible, but I'm trying my best for it to be. Happy reading!


Veronica's POV

Bryle drove us to where Grandpa Alonzo was. Tory-bro and I was obviously worried but we kept a calm demeanor. Once the car stopped we went out the car. It was in the Rowling residence. Why would it be here. We three immediately went in and searched for a familiar face. We saw Hanie-bro (Alejandro).

"How's grandpa?" Tory-bro asked.

"He's still alive and kicking, but a bit to alive. C'mon, everyone's waiting inside." Hanie-bro said half smiling then went inside.

We three followed him and saw grandpa laughing next to Mr. Rowling. As soon as we three went inside, Mrs. Rowling noticed us.

"Oh, there they are! So this is your youngests. Nica dear, I heard what happened to the mall, are you okay?" she immediately asked.

"My Wife, didn't she only called off the girl?" Mr. Rowling said as he holds his wife's hand.

"Yes, Anita. Didn't Calvin said she badassly shoved money on the girl?" Grandpa added looking fresh as he is.

"Oh right, you two didn't know. Anyway Nica, how is Stephanie? Did you hurt her?" she rolled her eyes at the old men then smirked at me.

"What do you mean by that Auntie? Why would she hurt her?" Dad asked Mrs. Rowling.

"Can you please just let her answer me first? You three are so annoying. Ricardo, do not be like them, understand. The lack of manners are so absurd! Now, speak Nica." Mrs. Rowling ranted out.

"Um, Phan is fine I guess. I mean she left me after making me realize that I was fooled for three years. I always believed she hated me. Imagine he sucky bullying every time we see each other at school. She even... Wait, she was she the one who reported the Tophs?" I answered and got confused.

"You're slowly getting into it." Mrs. Rowling slowly stood up and went to get some tea at the brewing station.

"And you knew Ma'am? Ugh this even sucks more." I frowned as I gaze to her.

She only laughed at me and sat back beside her husband. The other men except the E.S.G. was confused on what's going on and why am I not sitting. The mothers and the two toddlers wasn't in the lounge. Only the men and the Rowling couple.

"Ma'am, you mean Stephanie literally played us? I thought she was mad at us for imprisoning her dad?" Bryle asked confused.

"She is. You stole her chance to put her father in hell. She was already planning out a way to embarrass and make her own father suffer. But you five took the chance and now he's long gone. That's why she bully you five with all her might. Now that she got figured out, she'll just lay low somewhere South." Mrs. Rowling explain then sips on her tea.

"My wife, we men are already confused, who is this Stephanie and why is Nica still frowning like that?" Mr. Rowling asked his wife as Mrs. Rowling looked at me to explain.

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