VIII - Welcome Home

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Disclaimer: None of this are real. Anything similar to real life is purely coincidental. All of these are the product of my imagination and my weird fantasies. I mostly don't know if what I write is accurately possible, but I'm trying my best for it to be. Happy reading!


Veronica's POV :

Marion is still wheezing on my sudden jump. Ricky-bro helped me up while the boys helped Marion who is dying. They smacked him to behave and so he did.

"Are you okay?" an elder woman asked while checking on me.

I was stone still on her actions. How did she got here? Weren't she on the other side of the room? My aura is beaming with confusion. Which my dearest eldest brother noticed. I guess half a day together got us close.

"Oh, Mom's just really fast. Also Mom, she's fine." Ricky-bro said while escorting OUR Mom to her original position.

The boys also noticed my shock so the helped me sit beside Uncle Patty. Uncle Patty is shaking from stopping himself from laughing. I swear this bunch of orphans are messed up. After settling down, my dear Father and Emmy-bro entered and noticed the awkward silence.

"What's with the silence? I thought y'all want to talk to her and stuff?" My dear Father asked.

"She was stiff as a rock when Mom checked on her. I think she's not good with people she just met." a boy I think is near our age.

"She did? What happened to the ramblings?" Emmy-bro teased.

My face wash flushed red. I grab a throw pillow a served its purpose - be throwned. It hit on Emmy-bro's face flat which made Ricky-bro laugh loudly.

"Shush it Doc, I swear its only been half a day-" I gritted flustered whispering the last part.

I can feel the confusion and the proud look on my family's faces. Oh gosh, Nessa help me! Bryle patted my head to calm me down which I did thanks to his magic pats. My eyes traveled the chaotic room seeing my two eldest brothers smacking eachother to the others mocking Emmy-bro to my Mom who is just looking at them with love. She soon looked at me making us an eye contact. I blushed and look away quickly not knowing what to react.

"That's enough boy's, now everyone except Rick and Ems, introduce yourselves." Father dear said loud enough to get everyone's attention.

"I'm Marrisa Blanca, Your mother. I know you don't remember me but I hope we get along well." My mother said softly and gently making me wanna hug her but my instincts said no.

"Alonzo Blanca, I'm your grandfather. If you remember your Grandma Paula, she's my wife. I gald we finally found you Veronica." the elder man introduced which I nodded on.

"Alejandro Blanca, Second oldest." The man with the expensive suit said amd so I nodded.

"Vincente Blanca, your fifth elder brother. We'll go to school together so you can trust me with all the school stuff." He guy with the jock attire happily said.

"Vittoriano Blanca, sixth elder. We're prolly with each other the most since I'm only 2 years ahead. Pleased to finally meet you." the guys in plain shirt and a black hoodie jacket smiled.

"Hi darling! I'm Allison Blanca! Your sister-in-law. I hope my dear husband told something about us. Also this is yiur nephews. Chester and Calvin." the pretty lady in blue introduced lifting an infant.

A toddler shyly waved his hands then hid behind his mother. I smiled at him and waved back. He noticed and looked at her mother proud which she pats his hair. A guy in a dark gray suit and white T-shirt sat straight capturing our attention.

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