X - Attacked

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Disclaimer: None of this are real. Anything similar to real life is purely coincidental. All of these are the product of my imagination and my weird fantasies. I mostly don't know if what I write is accurately possible, but I'm trying my best for it to be. Happy reading!


Veronica's POV

Stephanie was just standing in front of us looking like a call girl. She was with her flies who looked exactly like her. I rolled my eyes and moved Vinny-boy much nearer Tory-bro. I throw my empty paper cup to the trash near us and walked near the call girls.

"What do you want Stephanie?" I asked annoyed.

"Awee, I haven't done anything yet, pissed alread-"

"First, you breath is already annoying to me. Second, if you're gonna pick a fight, make sure we're at school. So that your dear sugar daddy can help you. Third, you're already in the mall. Buy a better perfume. Here, cash. Use it. You really need it." I cut her off the shove 5000 bucks to her.

"How dare you! Do you eveb know who my dad is!? --"

"YES. He is already in jail as of now because of your idiocy and choice of cheap perfume. And I won't be shocked if you get preggy by the next quarter. I'm a hundred percent sure that's Mr. Tophs's. And if your gonna insult me make sure I don't cut you off, its a bit embarrassing." I cut her of once again and said it with zero emotion.

Even before she can even talk back i turned my back at her and went to my brother and nephew. We left Stephanie and her flies fuming with rage. I can feel the need of explanation from my dear older brother. And so we stopped to a hall way near the back side of the mall.

"So, uh um... I'm sorry for the rush. That girl is one of my bullies. Well my only bully in fact. She was our friend before but ever since Nessa died, she slowly distanced herself from us. Now she mess with me and the guys." I smiled at my brother and nephew.

"I don't like her Auntie. She's mean and ugly. And she smells bad." Vinny-boy stated while covering his nose.

I couldn't help but to laugh at what he just said. He is my nephew. Tory-bro put his thumb's up and smiled at me. Then he ruffled my hair while putting me in a headlock.

"So that's why Ems and Dad told us you were badass. I can't wait to brag about this. Vince will be so jealous." He said why ruining my hair.

I got out of his headlock and started to fix my hair. I glared at him making him do a peace sign and a finger heart at me while smiling cutely. Wow. Now that's the youngest son of a Blanca. Nessa look, our older brother is actually cute. After fixing my hair we both held on Vinny-boy and walked back to the mall where we're supposed to go. We reached a bazaar and started to spoil our nephew. We bought him some native and local clothes of the East and took a lot of pictures. I love being rich. Thanks a lot Papa Bear! Your money rocks!

"Auntie! Uncle Vitto! Can we please stop buying me clothes? How about buy Auntie some?" Vinny-boy begged us.

"Well I already have this kind of clothes and actually have a lot so, I think Tory-bro should our next victim." I smirked at Vinny-boy making him to copy me.

We both looked at Tory-bro who looked surprised. Oh, right I called him by his nickname. We used this chance to buy him the same clothes we bought Vinny-boy but Tory-bro's size. He was a lot taller than me which was unfair. I think he has the same size as Marion. Maybe because they have the same age, or maybe because they're males. Me and my nephew also picked some for the other brothers, his Mom and my parents. We also bought some for Grandpa who was not here on our family date. Maybe he went with Uncle Patty. We were carrying a lot of bags but mostly was with Tory-bro who was still dazed and smiling like crazy. I'm surprised on how he followed us when his mind is in cloud-9. We met up with our parents which Vinny-boy ran to happily. I also did that to Mom and Dad. I see the happiness and relief in their eyes.

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