IV - A Heck Ton of Patience

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Disclaimer: None of this are real. Anything similar to real life is purely coincidental. All of these are the product of my imagination and my weird fantasies. I mostly don't know if what I write is accurately possible, but I'm trying my best for it to be. Happy reading!


Ricardo's POV

Two weeks ago:

"WHAT?!" Both me and Dad shouted at Patrick which made him flinch.

"Look, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's the damn truth! I helped raising the girl and I also witnessed her death. I know what you feel. Nessa is already a daughter to me. The old guy left her to me after saving my nephew and his friends from a bombing incident almost 8 years ago. That old man also told me that he'll be back for the twins so I didn't bothered searching for their family since they seemed close with the guy. I was the head of the East Sunshine Social Center Division that time so I'm not in the position to say no. Three years ago the Center burned down killing half of the orphans and seniors, including Nessa." Patrick explain as tears slowly poured down his face.

All of us were crying. Mom and my wife was sobbing on me and Dad while rubbing their backs. Grampa was only tearing but still stayed on his straight demeanor. The boys were crying on each other except our youngest, Vittoriano.

"What was the old man's name?" Vitto asked with no emotion whatsoever.

"Ah, It was Brandon Olaes. He was a top Investor in the SSC. The guy had a lot of hidden children under his name so I thought the twins was his own." Patrick answered curiously.

"Brandon? He had them but he didn't even said anything?" Grampa frowned.

"Yes, he would always mumble things like, 'if the twins was found out aluve they might actually die' or 'now is not the right moment for them to go home's or 'the twins might bring a much greater risk to lose everything'. Knowing this, it given me a reason to hide them and suggested that they should just use my surname. Brandon would always visit the twins until he died five years ago. The investigators said he was murdered on his own home down south east. They said his body was found laying on his lawn while his house was burned down. Investigation said that his house was also robbed before the suspects decided to burn the place down. There were no suspects arrested until this very day. But he left all all his fortune to the twins a year before his death." Patrick added.

Woah, Uncle B is dead. But how the hell did he got the twins- Grandma.

"Grandma probably contacted Uncle B before she died. She protected them until her last breath." I whispered loud enough for Dad to hear.

"Now enough with the gloomy mood. I'll be flying back to the East Central by next week since I'm finishing a deal here. It's much safer if only few comes with me to meet Nica and also visit Nessa." Patrick broke the mood and checked something on his phone.

"I'll call any of you for our flight since I brought a plane coming here. Also bring cool clothes since its summer down middle. We might stay there for a month or less for the legal papers. Don't worry, she'll be with you in no time." Patrick smiled then proceeded to call someone on his phone.

Seems like he really is busy. We were all in shock. But finally we had the closure and clearance we needed for 10 years. But now I'm worried with Vitto, he blamed himself for his bratty attitude back then since he and Vanessa fought bad. Making Grandma take the twins down South for a break. The twins were only 4 back then. Veronica's immunity got worse because of the stress my brothers were giving her. So Grandma took her to a Doctor she personally know. Since we all were busy with school and work, only Grandma accompanied the twins. All of us would fly there every weekend since the three of them stayed there for three months. Until the greatest tragedy came. We lost them. First Grandma, next Vanessa. We can't lose anyone anymore.

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