Chapter 31 - TWO HEROES (FINAL)

Start from the beginning

Controlled or not being controlled, Bakugou would still kill his opponents. That's a fact we have to bitterly accept everyone.

"Yeah... Bakugou is really difficult to deal with in the first place." Quake nervously replied.

"I see..." Fang sighed. Oh boy... This is going to be exhausting.

"And the red-haired one is Kirishima while the heterochromia-eyed boy is Todoroki. He's like Frostfire's elemental-like brother from another dimension if you ask me!" The earth manipulator continued. His eyes shine bright as he excitedly introduces them to Fang.

"You... You don't have to introduce them one by one though. I mean, I'll get to know them sooner or later." Fang sweat-dropped since he's bound to know them, like it or not. Plus, they're a part of Boboiboy's circle.

"Right... Hehe..."

"Destroy them!" Retak'ka ordered the three controlled boys. Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima quickly marched towards Quake and Fang, activating their quirk as they fought the earth manipulator and the shadow user.

"Oh no, you don't! Shadow Hands!" A hand-like shadow emerged from below, stopping their tracks. However, Bakugou and Todoroki managed to escape while Kirishima poorly tried to do so.

"They're fast alright!" Fang said, commanding his shadow bear to charge at them.

"Die..." Controlled Bakugou muttered while explosive meets shadow. Definitely, a bad combo since a large explosion followed behind.

"Really, Bakugou? I can't believe you could say that while being controlled." Quake sweat-drop. The earth manipulator quickly built a large earth wall acting as their defense.

"Is he really your friend? He seems like a human version of Roktaroka minus the magma, though." Fang commented, sighing a bit.

"Ah... Yeah... He is, but he doesn't see me in a friendly way though." Quake answered. An apparent hesitance was heard but Fang ignored it anyway.

"Well, that's certainly new—"

Suddenly, their feet were frozen onto the ground thanks to Todoroki's ice quirk.

"Giga!" The earth giant quickly came to Quake's aid, hitting the ground with a strong force until Todoroki's ice shattered, freeing them from the ice lock.

"Thanks!" Quake turned at Giga, never forgetting to give the giant a proud thumbs-up.

"Do you have an idea on how to free them from Retak'ka's control?" Fang asked.

"I think we need to defeat him first! That's probably the only way!" Quake said, dodging Bakugou's explosives attacks.

"Unlike Shinsou's brainwashing quirk, strong shockwaves weren't powerful enough to set them free from Retak'ka's controlling power." He added.

"Take down the mastermind, huh? Sounds like a plan!" Fang nodded as he retreated beside Quake. He had an idea on how to secure a triumph victory against the ex-elemental user. However, he wasn't sure whether or not the plan might work well as he wanted it to. Besides, it's been 5 years since they used that kind of 'move'.

"I think we might have a chance to take him down if we used 'that'!" The shadow user said as he began to gather his shadows.

"Well, it's worth a try!" The golden-eyed boy quickly understood Fang's strategy. The earth manipulator then created two enormous hands, grabbing both Todoroki and Bakugou from below, trapping them tightly as it locked their movements.

"Giga!" Quake summoned his earth giant again. The giant now stood tall in front of him and Fang.

"Ready?" Fang questioned, now in a position to release his power.