Vassili was skeptical at the first, but after the second report, from the other direction, and the third and fourth, the situation began to dawn on him, he basically had to limit this information, until he could consolidate power, he had no power at the moment, but the people believed he did. 

Vassili would gather the local leaders, the floor bosses, and the elected soviets would be gathered.

"I have found that we are not where we were. The world beyond these woods have changed. I am asking you to trust me, with the safety of the people here. This is a new opportunity, to spread the glory of the Soviet, and the revolution to this new world. We will be heroes of the new Union we create." Vassili said, smiling, and setting his gun on the table, making it clear what the choices were, agree, or be removed from the choice, permanently.

All the leaders looked at him. Of the 9 leaders gathered, all 8 accepted his position in. He would take an office that was used in by the elected soviet, which, he was now.


Pavel Strnad, the lord of Mebice, looked over the lands, the lands that had changed, the hill that opposed his own was now gone, replaced by mountains further in the distance. Walking along the balcony, he saw even more changes, a forest several leagues away. The river had also changed,  it now had a lake not far from the mill that still stood. 

Many of the fields seemed to be fine, along with the small orchard. The herdsmen were bringing the cattle closer to the town. Entering his chambers, he found his advisor's talking, the physician, Axel Buchler, jewish and intelligent man, as well as the spy master , was arguing with the village's priest, Ludvik Mach.

"This is an act of god! He has changed the world and we have been left behind!" Ludvik shouted.

"Using the actions of god to explain this still does not explain what has happened. We do not know if it is us who has vanished, or if it the world that has changed. We must keep the people calm, we have no clue what it is that could be happening." Axel said.

Radim, Pavel's cousin, entered.

"Cousin, It seems like no one is harmed. I road out, and well, I saw a forest to the north. To the east, I was able to spot a great body of water, with a small town, connected to the river to the east. I also saw a walled city, big walls, tall buildings, to the south, near mountains." Radim said.

"Thank you cousin, I trust you with seeing what happened, discuss with the village to the east." Pavel said.

He watched as his 3 children entered the room, and smiled.

"Father, what was that wall of fire?" his son, Vladan, asked.

"It is ok, It is gone....but I have a feeling that things have....changed. He explained, attempting to calm their fears of the potential future. 

With the eventual future, the best Pavel could do is keep as many of his people safe.

"Have the farmers move their live stock closer to the walls." Pavel commanded his cousin.


Blidsfell was being prepared, the militia were called into service, manning the positions on the walls. Pikes and matchlocks were readied, as much of the reserves were checked. The noble lord, Elvin Jonsson, was rubbing his head. The reports from the mines was concerning. The mines were closed, the gunpowder mill was shut down, he walked the walls, the cannons were loaded.

"Harrison, I have an assignment for your band of men. I want your men to ride out, it seems that the lands have changed. I want you to scout the area, see if there is any danger.....I feel that we need to know what is near us." Jonsson said to the mercenary commander.

The scottish mercenary captain, nodded, The captain looked and assigned Youri, and Youssef would go out, they are good riders. The Dutch and Spanish riders road out, looking out to see what was beyond the horizon. 

"At least this is better than the damn cold. Maybe we can find a town, see where we are." Youri, the dutch rider said.

"I don't what you find so interesting here, all I see is central European landscape. Looks like the plains of the pols." the Spaniard said. 

They continued on, until eventually reaching a hill, and looking around, Youri would glance around, judging distances, he saw a forested patch, a sprawling series of farms, and in the far distance, he could see the waters of an ocean. Mounting their horses, they began to turn, when they heard something in the distance, and it grew louder.


The town of Atalantonis had their prayers answered, the ground had stopped shaking, and the great walls of fire had vanished. Many of the people would however notice, the horizon had changed. 

What once looked over the wine colored seas and the distant lands of Hellen could be seen, with many other islands, was gone, it it's place was an unending vast seas of water. Some of the younger men would walk up the hill that backed up the village. As the top of the hill was reached, what normally was seen was some rolling plains, and then the far side of the island, backed by the seas.

What was now there was the exact opposite. What was not there was a seeming cliff face that now, beyond that cliff was far plains, a forest could be seen, and even what looked like a structure, or temple, one that had fallen down. The pair of young men, Tymnes and Sostias looked at each other.

"I think we should go back. The elders should know about this." Sostias said.

"You go. I want to see see what those are." Tymnes said, pointing to the ruins.

"But, we don't know what is there." Sosias nervously said, looking at his friends.

Tymnes showed a simple dagger on his hip.

"I'll be fine, they look abandoned. No harm in just looking." Tymnes said, before he looked a bit over the edge, and slid down the steep dirt incline. 

The man was running for some distance, before he would near the ruins, the clean cut white stone was unusual to see, he ran his hand over one block, and then looked at door way, or what he thought was one. Placing his hand, on the side, he noticed a small grove, a trident like shape, with an arrow, a circle and square, with a circle at the base. 

He walked by, before seeing a small carving on the stone, 3 parallel grooves, with two that ran over top, forming 2 boxes side by side. His hand pressed on the carving, before he moved it away.


Tymnes was a going to say, until he heard.....a strange noise. Looking up, he saw what he could only describe as a horseless chariot going through the sky.


Many people covered their eyes, the fire had been bright, but.....the night had all but vanished. However, with the disappearance of the fire, it was expected they would see familiar lands, however, they didn't. They were met with lands they didn't recognize. Soldiers, armed with Yari Spears rushed forward, half armored.

The citizens were returning to their homes, many of the militia kept an eye on the surroundings. They began to build observation towers, cutting down the trees that had suddenly appeared in the area. 

The Samurai lord, or would he now be Diamayo, Gima Sadao, sat in his castle, he shook his head. 

"Have the light cavalry go forth and scout the area beyond our fields. Tell report is seen." He commanded.

A messenger bowed, before leaving, to meet the horse men. The town, though large, was not a city, it was just an outpost, a watch, for the enemy. The guards stationed had brought families with, but Sadao, was appointed a general in the army of Otomo Sorin. He made him the general of the army, armed with the Matchlocks that made the Otomo infamous. 

"I prey the Shimazu are far away from our boarders, our homelands may not be what they were, but the name of Gima, will be known, like that that of the Ashikaga Shoganate." Sadao said, standing up, and walking to a window, sliding it open, to look out on what would be the start to the new Japan.

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