Sarah nodded in agreement with a smile of sympathy, "Yeah Dylan, we're your best friends and you need to speak to us, or what's the point of calling us this if your not going to" she trailed down the last part with a low whisper.

I looked up to them with pleading eyes begging them to just leave it alone, but they didn't back down not one bit waiting on me with eager eyes.

"Fine" I sighed slipping away from Alex's grip on my shoulders, "I will tell you." 

A small smile escaped Sarah's lips, I am guessing because finally I am being opened about things.

I gestured my head forward for them to follow me to an empty classroom. I walked quickly down the halls as my hands were sweaty as we got closer to the classroom. My palms were sweating and I couldn't stop fidgeting with my fingers. 

Reaching the classroom, I opened the door slowly making sure no one was in there. Seeing the close was clear we walked in and I sat down on top of an old teacher desk as Sarah and Alex sat on a student desk in the front rows.

"So..." Sarah said trying to get me to start off. "What you have to tell us?"

I looked at the ground letting out a huge breath getting ready to tell them everything in just a few words. Trying to remove myself from being so tense I unclasped my hands from the desk edges and placed them on my claps. Slowly opening my mouth I let out the words slowly and clearly so they couldn't make me say it again. 

"I'm gay." 

I was too scared to look up at their face expression, because all I felt was eyes on me.Slowly rising my head, I was shocked to see the face expressions on both of there faces. 

Sarah face expression showed acceptation and understanding. Alex's face seemed also understanding yet empathy.

My eyes were now starring at Alex as I looked at him waiting for him to say something, because I can really see he wanted to, but was too scared. 

I got up off the desk and placed a hand on his thigh as he flinched a little from it, but still keeping it there. 

"Say it." I said calmly with comfort as he relaxed a little bit more at the tone of my voice. He slowly looked over to Sarah and then back to me.

"I'm gay too." he said barely enough that I could hear, but the silence helped out to better understand his statement.

I then hugged him tightly now knowing I wasn't alone at this, that I had a gay friend to talk to. Even though he took a while to react, he hugged me back. 

"Oh my gosh! I always wanted a gay friend, but now I have two!" she screamed.

I let out a small chuckled and rolled my eyes, "Yeah, goo-" the tardy bell ringed as Sarah hopped up off her seat, "Damn it! I promised Mr. Jones I won't be let again. I have to talk to you guys later at lunch."

I smiled and waved my hand as she walked off. As the door closed I turned my eyes to look up at Alex with wondering eyes. I blushed a little and looked away hoping he wouldn't notice.

"So, I guess I will see you at lunch then?" 

"Yeah, say you then, Alex." I gave a huge smile at him as he snickered grabbing his stuff and leaving. 

When he left I sat stood there looking at the wall just starring. Even though I told them something that I was shocked to myself a little bit at which came out my mouth about me being gay, I sill felt a hole inside me. Even though Mason was broken up from what I said in the bathroom, I felt like, I was the one who needed saving.

I took out my phone and placed the my ear phones in it as I put them in my ear playing my song that fitted with my situation.

As I press the play button I let the emotions fly through. 

Walking out the class room I remained quiet through the hallways as no one was out here, but me. I felt the tears slowly form as the soft melody went through me. This song explained how I was really feeling right now.

I wanted Mason apart of me, not some hole that was inside me that was from him. I wanted him to stay inside me and not leave. I regret saying I didn't want anything to so with him because damn well I did.

I am sure it wasn't love, because I just meet the guy, but it all depends if you believe in love at first sight?

I stop in the middle of the hallway and stop doing everything and let the song play.

The song coming to an end made a tear slowly come from my eyes as I whipped in away standing at my classroom door releasing something I should of.

I wanted Mason to stay.

Stop Abusing Me (Under Final Revision)Where stories live. Discover now