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Eunji and Nari get into an argument, a bad one.

"I really missed Korea though," nari ended her small rant about her hiatus, as her and eunji hadn't gotten to catch up since april.

eunji rolled her eyes, this was not what she needed on the day her mother called her to shout curses at the teen, "great to see your life is all dandy now."

nari stopped her babbling to glance at the girl, "are you alright?" she cautiously asked. "I'm sorry if I done something to annoy you."

"the whole world doesn't revolve around you, you know?" eunji sneered. "have you even wandered what's happened to me whilst you were away? or just recently?"

"eunji, I was just trying to catch up with you? I'm sorry for whatever I've done to annoy you but—"

"LANI! do you not listen to what I'm saying? I've been listening to you talk for what feels like days! and half the time you've just been stuttering, I don't have time for this, for you, nari!" eunji exclaimed in english.

nari gulped but still softly looked into her best friends fiery eyes. this wasn't her loving girl eunji, the person who she considered to be her best friend, this was a cold stranger. a careless and disrespectful stranger.

"I HATE YOU!" that was the final straw for nari, she hadn't done anything wrong, she thought atleast, yet eunji was here fuming at her?

"well if you hate me so much why don't I just get out of your life? is that what you want eunji?" nari spoke calmy, though her words told a different story. "after all that I've done for you aswell..."

"do us all a favour," eunji shot as she shoved the homemade food nari had made for her back into the owners arms with force.

nari stumbled back by the younger impact, yet gripped onto the food tightly, shaking her head at the girl sadly whilst making her way out of the room.


nari wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her long sleeved top, all alone in her room. it was just a fall out, but it was with eunji, the person who she had promised to stick by forever.

she let her mind think about what she had done for eunji, what could've annoyed her and the memories which nari could never forget now that eunji had said those things.

"hey! hey! hey! who made you cry? ill beat them up!" nari jokingly threatened as she cupped the girls face to wipe any streaming tears away.
eunji giggled at the olders behaviour as she already felt as if she had cheered up.

"you're way too pretty to be crying over some stupid test, it wasn't even that big of a marking to your grades!" nari comforted her best friend in a motherly way. "kyung can you please go get her a glass of water?"
nari asked kindly to the youngest while she wiped down eunji's face, kyung nodding and scurrying offf to go get the water.

"you deserve the WHOLE world ji, never doubt your self over jealous people," nari whispered as her and eunji embraced when the younger cried about what people were saying about her on the internet, shaming her and her family name.

"the whole world doesn't revolve around you, you know?"
"i dont have time for this, for you, nari!"
"do us all a favour."


jake rubbed his friends back in hopes to calm her down, eunji just drowning in a pit of regret, "i know nari, we both do, and she never holds grudges, jia please belive me. she will forgive you."

"I hope she never does, I've been the worst to her," eunji whimpered out as she curled into jake's side.

"guys look wha-... not the time?" jay awkwardly said as he placed down the dog shaped lamp he had bought.
jake motioned his hand to his neck mouthing "definitely not."

jay sat on the other side of eunji and swung an arm around her shoulder, "what happened my love."

eunji looked up at him with red eyes, her mind fuzzy with what she had said, her phone's notification snapping her out of her trance.

I'm really sorry eunji if I done something to upset you, I should've let you talk and I was just being selfish. I hope we can still be friends but u don't blame you if you don't forgive me.

eunji cried harder at that, why was she letting nari apologise? eunji had reflected her anger to her mother on her best friend and nari was so kind hearted to the point where eunji didn't even apologise first.

No nari, I'm sorry. Today hasn't been the best and I took it all out on you childishly, so please don't think you done something wrong when it was clearly me who messed up. What I said should've never came out that way and if you don't accept my apology then please know that I love you dearly and everything you've ever done for me.


Heyyy I knew I said I wouldn't post whilst I'm on holiday but this is all just typed from my phone and I felt bad not updating you guys! This is actually a filler chapter but literally so much us happening my lawd 😦. FIRST J HOPE SOLO ALBUM IS OUT SO GO STREAM IT AS IM LISTENING TO IT WHILST WRITING THIS. ALSO SNEAKERS IS OUT AND ITS ACTUALLY KINDA GOOD, LIKE THE PRE CHORUS IS SO GOOD, but I have to say that that the royal parts of the music video felt like another teaser as it just felt like it didn't really match but honestly I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Also apparently the game caters or hwvr u spell it is coming out today along with a txt COLLAB song? Idk really know but stream ITZYS CHECKMATE AND J HOPES JACK IN THE BOX 🫶

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