Happy Founding Day!

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It has officially been seven years since Jayce and Viktor saved Holliday's life as well as the beginning of Marcus and Holliday's deal with one another.

This has all lead to today being Founding Day, the anniversary of the city of Piltover being founded as well as an extra special occasion of Jayce and Viktor's Hexgates being built.

Everyone was enjoying the fair, admiring the new inventions the scientists of Piltover were creating, it was all very beautiful and full of life, a lot of happiness was seen around in the smiles of kids and adults alike, smiling was pretty much all a specific Enforcer could make out, that was until he found someone with a grimace on their face, a fellow Enforcer of his, so he strode his way over to the other Enforcer

"Someone doesn't look too happy, do they?" Jayce said to the grimacing Enforcer

"I can only imagine what strings she pulled to put me here, ugh I wish I didn't have to waste my time with this."

"Yeah not a whole lot of crime to thwart outside your family's very own tent, anyways Caitlyn, I was given the honor of giving the big address tonight, I was hoping you and Holliday would attend, you'd have front row seeeeeaaats!"

Caitlyn just giggled and said sure to her friend who walked shortly afterwards, and while she was able to easily detect Jayce sneaking up on her, she did not detect someone else sneaking up on her as a whisper came into her ear that gave her goosebumps

"Hey beautiful," Holliday whispered into her ear, embracing his fellow Enforcer from behind.

"Holli, not now! There are people watching!"

"Alright, alright, I'll turn down the PDA meter for today." Holliday said backing off, but not before taking a quick kiss from Caitlyn, which left her blushing.

They've been officially dating for two years, so one would think Caitlyn would be used to being kissed by her boyfriend, but seems like she is still not entirely used to it, at least not in public.

Weeeeelll that's the excuse Caitlyn tells Holliday, truth be told it's because she doesn't want her dear mother finding out, she's kind of afraid of how her mother might react her mother was straining to be fine with Holliday as her friend, Caitlyn's mother has had a rather ridiculously long career of trying to control Caitlyn's life ever since she joined the Enforcers, and so Caitlyn tried to keep the little bits of freedom she had and that included her boyfriend.

She truly wouldn't mind actually getting used to those public affections if she could get her mother to be okay with the two dating.

Holliday also thinks Cassandra knows and approves of their relationship and so Caitlyn uses a double lie, is it really necessary for something so convoluted? To Caitlyn who doesn't really have that kind of experience the answer is yes!

Meanwhile, at the docks of the Hexgates, a group of Silco's goons, led by Sevika, were transporting Shimmer, they were able to get away with stuff like this because of the "mutual" deal Marcus has with Silco.

It was going fairly well for the shipment until a masked group of hoverboard riders called The Firelights attacked, using grenades that exploded into yellow crystal like rocks to keep the enemy stationary, the leader calls for the others to search for and destroy all of the Shimmer, two went below deck to check there but the door instantly shut behind them.

An explosion occurred causing smoke to billow out and rise obscuring the shy stride from a young girl, she blew some of her blue hair back only for it to fall right back where it was originally, she shyly stuck up her and said "hi," before pulling out two grenades and throwing at the Firelights.

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