The Base Violence Neccessary to Change

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Vi charged the door once more, she couldn't let Holliday take her place, he was the smarter of the two, the more mature, the more rational one, she knew if he was gone and something were to happen to Vander and Benzo, then all of the Lanes would fall apart, on the other hand, Vi saw that if she was gone then the Lanes would be in good hands, everything would be okay if it was, that's what she thought.

But unfortunately, she couldn't break down the door and heard the door open up only to hear Vander start talking

"Vander?" Holliday says curiously

"I can't let you do this Holliday," Vander says embracing the boy

Holliday hugged him back and then pushed away from it

"I need to do this Vander,"

"I take it that's for me?" A new voice said as two Enforcers appeared

Marcus went to go cuff Holliday, but Vander stood in his way

"Are you going to let me make the arrest or not?" Marcus asked offensively

"You wouldn't deny a doomed man one last smoke...." Vander began, as he lit his pipe and took a puff "would you?"

"What are you thinking Vander!? The Lanes will fall apart without you!" Grayson intervened, looking at Vander in the eye to see if this is truly what he wanted

"The Council needs their pound of fle-"

"I'm the one you're arresting!" Holliday blurted out

"I even have evidence that the Council will undoubtedly know is real," Holliday affirmed

"And what evidence would that be?" Grayson asked

Holliday pulled out the small blue crystal he "borrowed" from Powder earlier, with this no one would doubt he was guilty of the crimes, and that is exactly the way Holliday wants it too, he would go to jail and face time so the others could be spared the pain.

"Kid, do you understand what you are doing?" Grayson asked the boy, he stayed still a moment and then nodded his head in affirmation to the sheriff

"Alright then, stick out your wrists." Grayson said as she motioned to Marcus to cuff the boy as they started to escort him out.

As they walked out Grayson looked at the boy and said "You are a really brave person to make this sacrifice,"

"I'm not brave, I'm utterly terrified, but I have to protect my family somehow." Holliday said to Grayson, who merely solemnly nodded, understanding the reason behind his actions today.

"Wait!" Vander cried as he ran after them outside, Benzo followed suit

"What is it now!?" Marcus exclaimed, frustrated at the turn of events that was unfolding

"Please, give this father a last word to his son, at least for now?" Vander pleaded, Grayson nodded and let the man walk towards her prisoner.

"You've got a good heart kid, don't you dare lose it, no matter how much pain the world puts you through, don't ever forget that, I'll protect the family to my last." Vander said, giving Holliday one final hug

"I understand, thank you for everything you've done for me, Vander."

Vander's smile faded as soon as he saw the monster headed straight for Holliday

Grayson pushed him out of the way at the last second and took the attack for him, she stumbled a second and took out her rifle, trying to shoot whatever it was that attacked, but as soon as she shot, another blitz from the monster came and killed Grayson on the spot

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