Welcome to The Playground

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That sight was one to haunt their minds forever.....

The bridge, littered with bodies of both topsiders and undercity dwellers alike...

Three kids walked forward, hoping to see some sign of life...

It came in the form of a man with dark brownish hair and grey eyes, he turned to look at the children

One of the two elder ones, a girl with pink hair seemed to ask about their parents....

The man could only point with his head to a couple of dead bodies that looked similar to her and the youngest kid, a girl with blue hair

The man walked away while carrying the two girls, with a third kid following silently behind

The third kid was a boy with purple hair and green eyes, he looked back toward the bridge and looked to what was beyond it, Piltover, the so called "City of Progress"

He thought how much of a joke it was, nothing made him more angry than the Topsiders and their disrespect towards them as people, but nothing in his world got him more curious than wondering "what would be better but living in a world where every single thing is given to you, just for living?"

That day marked the beginning of change. The man, named Vander, took in the three children and started raising them as his own.

The boy was already used to the whole adopted thing, it was what had happened to him before.

His parents told him all about how his mother was dying and handed him off to his now passed adoptive father.

They said his birth mother said the name Holliday, though the rest she said was not understandable so they took it as it was his name and thus named him Holliday

The pinkette and the blue haired kids were named Violet and Powder respectively, (though Violet went by the nickname "Vi") and they meant the world to Holliday, being raised by their parents all his life he couldn't help but view them as his own sisters.

Currently; Vi, Holliday, Powder, and two other adopted kids of Vander's, Mylo and Claggor, could be spotted overlooking Piltover from a rooftop.

There was an apartment in Piltover that apparently had some high tier items the others planned on taking to get some money.

Getting to the apartment was no problem at all for the siblings, in fact, it was rather easy other than one slip-up of the younger Powder nearly falling as they hopped rooftop to rooftop.

The five kids all started looting as soon as they entered, fascinated by the amount of expensive and high-end stuff the room held

Meanwhile, Powder found her way to what looked to be a bedroom of some sort and found six small blue crystals that shined brightly and seemingly sparkled.

Holliday looked around and found a lot of technology that seemed like it had no purpose whatsoever, well not that he could ever know what the Topsiders thought about.

After all what problems could the Topsiders ever need to worry about? The only problem they have are the Undercity dwellers and after all that's what the Enforcers are for.

Holliday picked up on some voices coming towards the door, followed by the door being unlocked

"Mylo, get the door!" Vi whisper yelled to the other taller, lanky member of the group who immediately barred the door with a chair, in a rush, the five kids made their way outside

Arcane: Phantoms A League of Legends Story (Arcane X OC/Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now