Chapter |26

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Destiny's P.O.V

To be honest, I'm more excited, than nervous for this ball. Maybe it's because I'm finally getting to live out my prom dreams— a dream that I was robbed of because my date didn't show up. I know that was years ago but let's see how this goes.  The theme for the night is "Blue gala" so everyone is expected to wear a hint of blue.

Tacky if you ask me.

Though I'm anticipating the evening, wearing long dresses always gave me mini panic attacks because I have a small frame and I usually look like a stick wearing a piece of cloth. It's very hard to find dresses that would accentuate my figure.

My last resort was to ask my mom to make me a dress that would actually make me look good. I appreciate the fact that she was able whip up something so last minute even when she put her dressmaking days behind her

I am clueless as to what the design is.
She just put the gown in a small suitcase and that was it.

I didn't even check to see if it fits or even up to par because the ball was so far in the back of my mind.
Knowing her she would 'nunify' the entire gown and make it into something her traditional self believes looks fashionable.

Lord be with me.

I open the suitcase and...the dress is in fact blue.
That's a good start.
I try to lift the gown but it is pretty heavy.

"How mi ago navigate this now?" I asked my self.

Thank god my make-up was already done because I don't think I would be able to do it after I put this on my body.

I stepped into it, zipped it up and analysed the gown while I walked to the mirror.

I'm speechless to say the least.
My mom really out did herself.

My mom really out did herself

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It's simple and not too loud.
Even the boobs I don't even have are out...
In a sense, I sort of feel naked but this woman never fails to amaze me.

In the midst of my awe, I realized that I need to finish getting ready because Andrew could be here any minute now.

Man, I'm even more excited to enter that room being on his arm. I even plan on taking him up on his offer to be his girlfriend.

I text my mom a thank you message then Andrews Caller ID pops up.

He must be on his way.

"Heyyy are you here? I just need to put on my bracelets and-" I answered.

"Hey no no listen, I'll be a bit late" Andrew replies.

" late are we talking?"

"I have an emergency meeting to attend to so 8?" He replies unsure.

A prank?

"But di sumn start 7"

"Yea Des I know but it's really important. You can either wait for me or I'll meet you at the ball"

Desire For Destiny: A Jamaican Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now