Chapter |25

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Destiny's P.O.V
January 5
7:39 am

I came here intending to have a vacation.

I got humbled real quick.

And to say I was gonna live it up on my birthday.


I was told that there will be a flight to get back to Jamaica tomorrow, for employees who wish to leave.

Thankfully, this trip will be cut short for me because I got the majority of my agenda out the way.

I don't know how it would look as an executive to leave before the acquired time but I'm using my privileges while I can.

Funny how I've only been here for three days yet I'm feeling homesick.

From the outside looking in, it would make sense to just use the remaining days in Barbados as a vacation.

But I can't. I want to see my mother, just to have a change of scenery, seeing that work has taken over my life.

And yesterday...

Yesterday, was jam-packed with meetings, networking and doing media coverage on the resort.

It was nonstop movement.

Andrew wanted to take me out during my free time yesterday but I took that time to sleep.

Didn't wake up until 30 minutes ago.

I woke up so sluggish and hungry that I didn't even wash my face to go to the buffet.

When I got there, I made it my point of duty to get an array of food that could feed a family of 5.

Fruits, porridge, mint tea and omelette. I also requested for cou-cou, and flying fish since they don't serve that for breakfast. I had some yesterday and it was so good that I had to ask.

I don't know where this hunger came from.

It's probably stress.

I can't eat everything at once if I want to fit in my dress for the ball tonight.

After eating all that I could, I went back into my room and plopped right into my bed. I feel like I could melt into the mattress. My muscles are weak, i'm sore all over and I can hardly move.

I need to go to the spa to set free the pressure my body was under yesterday. I got a spa gift certificate from one of my Bajan colleagues who recommend I should use it before I leave.

I will do just that.

But first, I have other matters to deal with.

"Hello" she answers the phone in a soft tone.

"Hey Ali...haven't heard from you in a minute." I said.

"Oh hey Des...umm...I've been really busy with work and personal stuff, so what's up?"

"I see, I don't mean to disrupt anything but are you aware of the things that your husband is saying about me to the police?"

"Police? What are you talking about? Is this about the Donald thing?" She asked.

What else could it be?

"Let me rephrase, are you aware of anything your husband is at all?"

"Girl, I have my own issues dealing with. What he's doing has nothing to do with me, so no, I'm not aware of what he's doing. So at this point you just need to tell me what's happening." she said blatantly.

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