Chapter 6: Ice cream truck (Collab with a friend)

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"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances." Senpai said. "Do any of you want some ice cream as well?"

Song: Senpai (Senpai vs Sweetheart)

Sweetheart and Selever: Strawberry and vanilla

Krus: Cookies and cream (Totally not a reference)

Kyoko: Burnt caramel

Kyoto: Pecan

Kyoho: Mint chocolate chip

"That'll be 140$." Senpai said. After paying for the ice cream and bidding Senpai goodbye, their walk in the park continued. Once everyone finished their ice cream, Selever challenged Sweetheart to a rap battle, which the latter accepted.

Partner summoned the speakers and sat on them with Rasazy. Kyoko, Kyoto and Kyoho stood beside the speakers on the left and Krus and Rsch stood beside the speakers on the right. Rsch was starting to feel a bit dizzy, so she laid her head on Krus' shoulder. Krus, in response to this, wrapped an arm around Rsch's waist.

"Are you okay, love?" Krus asked.

"I'm fine." Rsch said.

"Are you sure?" Krus asked. "You do this whenever you're dizzy-"

"I'M FINE." Rsch said, ignoring the dizziness and the throbbing pain in her head.

Song: Casanova (Selever vs Sweetheart)

After the song finished, Rsch groaned and put a hand on her head. "Are you okay, Nia?" Krus asked.

"I'm-" Rsch cut herself off, seeing the look Krus was giving her. "I'm not." She relented. "I feel dizzy and my head hurts like [heck]." Partner and Rasazy stood up from the bench so that Rsch could sit down. Sweetheart took out her water bottle and gave it to Krus, who took it and opened the lid before directing it to Rsch's lips. "You don't have to baby me."

"I don't care." Krus said. "Just drink the water."

"Listen to your husbando, Rsch." Kyoko said.

"Yeah." Kyoho said. "He's just trying to help." Rsch gave in, allowing her lover to give her the water. Krus closed the lid and gave the bottle back to Sweetheart.

"Krus is a good husband." Kyoto said. "I ship it."

"So do we." Kyoko and Kyoho said.

"Beep bop bloop ske da. (Everyone ships it.)" Sweetheart beeped.

"Yeah." Partner said. "Even Ruv does."

"We're not married, actually." Krus said, putting Rsch on his lap and massaging her head. Growing up in an abusive household and being a survivor of child trafficking, Rsch was touch starved as [heck] and liked it when she was shown any kind of affection, even if she doesn't admit it. Massaging her head would cause her to fall asleep in the span of a few seconds.

"You had Ruv out of wedlock?" Kyoho asked.

"Yes." Krus said, speaking as quietly as he could, as Rsch was already asleep. She was a heavy sleeper, but he still didn't want to risk waking her up.

"Do you and Rsch ever intend to get married?" Kyoko asked.

"We planned on getting married once we could have a peaceful life with Ruv." Krus said. "Since that's already happened, I've been wanting to propose for a month. But...I have no idea what to do. She's the first and definitely the last person I've been in a romantic relationship with."

"If you want, me and Sweetheart could help you." Kyoho said.

"You'd actually do that?" Krus asked.

"Beep. (Yup.)" Sweetheart beeped. "Beep bop bap bloop ske da bop. (We've helped someone propose to their significant other before.)

"I guess I could use the help." Krus said. "Thank you."

"Beep bop. (You're welcome.)" Sweetheart beeped.

"We'd be glad to help you pop the question." Kyoho said.




· Sweetheart (owned by me)

· Selever (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

· Rasazy (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

· Partner (owned by me)

· Kyoko (owned by my friend)

· Kyoto (owned by my friend)

· Kyoho (owned by my friend)

· Rschvania (owned by Handzy)

· Krusveto (owned by Handzy)

· Senpai (owned by Phantom Arcade and Moawling)

Mentioned characters

· Bestie (owned by me)


· Senpai (composed by Kawai Sprite)

· Casanova (composed by Mike Geno)

A/N: This chapter was a collab with a friend from writing class, so shout-out to them!! If you're wondering who the Bestie character was that Kyoko mentioned, she'll make an appearance in the future.

FNF: Many years later (Selever x OC fanfic) [Discontinued]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat