Yearning | Winter Soldier

Start from the beginning


There was a defining moment in Steve's life where it all had changed. Stuck in a world more advanced than his own, he felt exiled when all anyone did for him was welcome him into open arms. For that, he was grateful but underneath that warm hearted persona, he was quietly in distress. He felt so out of place, out of touch, and out of mind. The twenty-first century wasn't for him and while he couldn't go back in time or kill himself, all he lived for at that moment, years after coming out of the ice, was being Captain America. Who was he besides it? So, day to day he longed for those grueling missions so for a given moment, he wouldn't think about the life he had missed.

But that had changed when he had met you. It was during a mission where he had seen you in a cell so small he could touch wall to wall. It was dim, dirty, and so cold that when he released a breath, he could see his own condensation. His heart hurt then. A child so innocent forced to undergo the horrors of the world. At that moment, he thought of Bucky. He wouldn't have another person go through something like that again. So snapping out his daze, he snatched you from the rough ground and carried you in his arms.

At first, you were terrified. You did all you could to get away. Clawing at his arms, punching, kicking, anything you could do. You didn't want another man "saving" you again.

Though, Steve saw the internal struggle in your eyes. They were so dark and dull, never having experienced a moment of safety and comfort. He knew then, almost like an epiphany, that Captain America wasn't all he lived for, it would be for you. To shelter you when you needed it, and to call someone home.

From that point on, you and Steve were not far from one another. It was an occurring theme and long running joke that "you couldn't survive without him" and in some regards, it was true. Whether you realized it or not, Steve was your lifeline. He had vowed to be a support for you always. Whatever and wherever you needed, he'd be there. And throughout your time with him, he'd done just that. Though, what you assumed he would be there for you until you grew old.

You thought wrong.


When Steve came back after returning the tesseract, he hadn't excepted Steve to look the way he did. Fragile, old, and seemingly content with life.

Blood pounded in his ears and held his breath. "Steve, what did you do," he whispered softly as if he spoke any louder would make Steve crumble.

"I did what made me happy".

Steve began talking about his life with Peggy and never spared him a glance. Having gotten old meant that he was easily sentimental and enjoyed to look at the scenery when talking. Fortunately for Bucky, it meant that he wouldn't have been seen with red watery eyes and a runny nose. Hearing the blonde's story made him come to a brutal realization. That he was just a shadow in the background. A second choice for whatever their relationship was. He just knew that he wasn't in Steve's limelight anymore.

A warm hand met his shoulder. "Buck, are you okay?"

"Yeah", he said while clearing his throat, "I am".

"I want you to promise me something Buck."

He listened intently and straightened his back. "Yeah of course."

"I mean really promise me. What I'm about to ask is a lot but I know you can do it. I trust you."

He swore his blood warmed then. It was a pleasurable tingle. "Anything for you."

"I need you to watch over Y/N. You've met them before." And in an instant, the welcoming sensation disappeared.


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