"He did what."

Ciel eyed you sharply, refusing to back down when you didn't answer. Sebastian and Lau looked similarly peeved, though it wasn't as obvious.

"...I said what I said," you muttered, followed by a grumbled, "That stuck-up bastard."

"It would seem that I should erase any future plans to make contact with Lord West," Sebastian smiled tightly... How creepy, you thought. But still appreciated.

"Yes, it would be best if you did so," Ciel nodded.

"It probably would be for the best," you agreed as well. If only to avoid him dying a suspicious death. "That being said, we should enter the building now and see why Agni came here. The incidents with Mina and the hangings do connect back to at least West's business, correct?"

"Yes, my lady," Sebastian answered, to which you gave a sharp nod.

"Then let's get this over with. We might end up wrapping up the case we lynched off of the Yard even faster."

You rolled your eyes as Sebastian proceeded to pick Ciel up with a single arm, tuck him into his side, and leap over the tall metal gate separating you from West's manor.

"That show-off," you grumbled, scaling the fence and leaping over right behind him.

Lau dropped beside you, chuckling. "I can see why you're the Royal Vixen," he smirked. "Quite the graceful agility you have there, young marchioness."

"Comes with practice," you muttered, shrugging off the praise without realizing it had been a flirtatious advance. Not that Lau really cared.

The both of you turned your attention forward at the sound of snarls and growls, and you grimaced at the sight in front of you.

"Guard dogs..."

You instinctively shifted to jump in front of Ciel when you saw the dogs preparing to launch at him, but a quick glance at Sebastian kept you in place. The demon was exuding a completely dominating and threatening aura, one that had the supposedly ferocious dogs scampering away in fright.

"Huh," you stepped forward, placing a hand on the butler's arm (very mockingly) and grinning. "Looks like you're rather good at keeping your kind in line."

Sebastian twitched irritatedly at the dog joke, almost shoving your hand off. He would have too, if only he wasn't playing the perfect butler. It only made your lips pull up further, teeth visible.

"Something wrong?" you smirked. He glared but said nothing. Hell forbid you actually start ribbing him about barking or anything else of the like. He was nothing like those rabid, filthy creatures, thank you very much. 

You snickered at his peeved expression before turning to the entrance, only to find that Lau had knocked out the guards... with a needle. A very big needle.

"...Lau," you grimaced, looking at the motionless men littering the floor. "...They're not dead, are they? Or dying?"

"Aw come on, now!" Lau grinned. "Have some faith in me, marchioness. I simply put them to sleep."

"Right," you muttered warily. You forgot how ridiculously good Lau was at fooling people into letting their guard down.

"Well, let's get a move on," Ciel cleared his throat. "There're no guards inside?"

"I only hear two people," Sebastian confirmed, prompting you to keep moving up the stairs.

You came to a stop right outside one of the doors, the others crowding behind you. Ciel was peaking from around your waist, while Lau and Sebastian leaned over your left shoulder from behind Ciel. Soma was pressed against your right side. You listened to the conversation with a slight frown, making out enough to know that Agni was working for West... and by his expression, not the most willingly.

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