DLC Bonus Finale: Epik Adventure

Start from the beginning

My fire magic isn't nearly as strong as Lisa's so it was obvious how effective that was against the creature made of stone. And I didn't even know how I was supposed to kill it.

I know it has a core I need to destroy, but I don't know where exactly it is, let alone how to get through its stone skin.

I'm not ready, that much is obvious, so I'll need to change that. And I already have a plan

I'll work from the bottom up, starting as a newcomer at an adventures guild where I can do quests and stuff and gain experience. I'll also start going to the library and read up about monsters, magic theory, and general stuff I should be learning at school.

I've already learned quite a bit at school which I'm grateful for so I'll have a headstart there.

Then there's the matter of equipment. It was probably a stupid idea for me to try the dungeon in my school uniform and nothing else, but I guess I was just too excited about exploring the dungeon.

I still have more things I can do to increase my chances of success, but I already wasted a day holed up in my room crying to myself so I need to get started now to make up for the lost time.

I can do this, I don't have a choice in the matter so I must succeed. People are waiting for me, and I want to see them again soon. But I can't rush this, I have to be smart, calm, and collected.

Lucas would probably say I'm not any of those things, and I'd have to begrudgingly agree.

That changes now! This is my personal arc now and I'm going to make everybody proud!

That I promise.

Day 9

Progress report time.

It's been a few days since I've written again but this time it was for a good reason. I've been hard at work, adventuring in the mornings and going to the library in the evening.

First off, I was super nervous at first when I first entered the guild and sought out my first quest, it was the first time I've ever done something like that on my own so can you blame me?

Little did I know how easy it would really end up being to do quests and stuff. Compared to the secret dungeon and the pieces of training at school, this stuff is a cakewalk!

Eradicate a goblin camp? Easy.

Dispatch a roaming cyclops? Easy.

Help out the orphanage? Easy and fun.

Yup, I've been doing a lot of different things and gaining new experiences. This is also the first time I've measured how much stronger I've gotten since I first arrived at the academy.

The bottom line is S-Class has taught me well. Well, that and the other people around me of course. Training this way alone is good and all, but I'm starting to feel a bit lonely.

This never bothered me before, but I guess I've really changed over these short few months.

I feel especially lonely when it's late at night in the library, where everything is so quiet, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I bury myself in books most of the time to combat it, but sometimes the thoughts still manage to slip through.

Oh! I've also upgraded my equipment.

I bought some proper metal armour, a better longsword, a spare dagger just in case, a magic backpack, and so many other essential items. All with my own money that I've made from adventuring too!

That's right, I, Markus Albrecht am a self-sustaining man now. I don't need my parent's money to help me get by anymore, but I'll have to look for a cheaper inn to stay at after tomorrow. I'll be sure to enjoy my final breakfast at the hotel to the fullest.

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