Holding Max by his perfectly gelled hair which are a mess now he hit jammed his knee hard as he cried out in pain.
Thanks to his father who taught him self defence and many more things when he was young his father is really health conscious he has been working out since he was ten with his father.

Smirking deviously he give a kick to max again and gave a hard punch to the guy who was hiding in the corner.

"You were saying something earlier man , what happened now "

His fist meet the nose of another of Max friend eliminating any vision he might have had.

"Arnav smiled viciously he can smell how much scared they are"

Arnav hit max again he is sure now he is tasting his blood ,max tries to swing back but missed back and losses balance because of that.

Dragging him by the collar he made him stand on his toes
(Perks of being 6'3")

Max struggles to get out of his hold, Arnav inhale rubbing his nose as he gave another punch to max.
Making him nearly pass out.

Caught in the midst of this chaos, Khushi panicked, felt obligated to do something, yet had no idea of what to do exactly.
They were four against one.
Khushi looked at Arnav horrified to see this side of him.

Without thinking twice, she shut her eyes and yelled as loud as she could. " Principal ma'am!"

It was a childish way of diverting their attention and she knew she was fooling nobody here. But that was all she could come up with at the moment and it was worth a shot.

Later He was sitting on the ground, his locks soaked in his own perspiration masked his pained expression.

"You need to go to the hospital." She advised, it was barely a whisper.

Her voice was just as timid and meek as ever, yet he could pick up the hints of firmness in her tone.


Khushi's eyes narrowed slightly as she looked up at him, silently thinking.," He agreed without any fuss?

"Let's go." He told her, from the look of her eyes, he knew she was shocked .

Arnav winced at the pain but fought off the grunt that was threatening to escape his throat. Regardless of how painful it was, he was determined to show the minimal amount of pain as possible.

Suddenly He grabbed onto her hand and pulled her off the dirty ground, as he carried her bridal style knowing she got hurt when Max pushed her earlier .

Before she could utter a word he glared at her instructed curtly.,"shut up Khushi".

She squeezed her eyes tightly together and leaned against him for support as if he was the thread of her life. Wisps of his scent lingered still in the air between them, filling her nostrils with its pleasantness.

She hated guys who wear cologne, but strangely enough, she couldn't bring herself to hate his scent.

"where are you taking me, I am fine?" Perplexity and confusion were evident in her eyes as she asked hoarsely.

"To Di ." he answered softly.

And Khushi's eyes widened.
"WHAT??." ,She is scared gulping hard," how will his sister react."

Khushi let out a small sigh but did not dispute anything. She had a long tiring day and the lack of sleep she had in these days was catching up with her. His movements were somewhat uncertain and reluctant. He paused for a long moment before walking away with her in his arms.

His mouth thinned into a line as he take her to the college dispensary,

"I'll walk it's not hurting that much anymore." She offered carefully, not wanting to get on his bad side., seeing his glare

"No it's okay." She mumbled;

a few strands of hair fell into his eyes. he used his shoulder to push it aside annoyingly as it was hard with her in his arms too, but only to cause more strands to escape the hold .

"Here I'll help you." She insisted as she brought her hand close to his face, barely touching his skin as she slid the hair to the back. he stared at her in shock,

A hint of red surfacing her pale cheeks. He smiled wistful at her, hardly embarrassed by their close proximity.

"Is she okay!" Arnav whipped his head around and looked over his shoulder, eyes picking golden trace of Michelle from the hallway ,she looked equally worried.

Anger flashed in his eyes, in a moment too brief to be recognized, but Khushi caught a glimpse of it and it made her heart skip a beat.

Khushi's facial expression changed from embarrassed to slightly flustered seeing Mitchell eyeing her and Arnav soon it turns sulky, seeing Arnav not reacting at all.

It was more rueful than romantic.

Life was unfair with her from the beginning grown up in a country where you are always treated as an outsider no friends and after her mother's sudden demise
She had stopped trusting everyone around her.
She didn't want to be too attached to anyone, or anything. She couldn't afford to face another blow on her own. She wouldn't be able to handle it.
Life was unfair to her
She had learned not to get too easily attached to things and people the hard way.


His heart come out of his mouth when Michelle came running to him when he was in the field and told him that max is misbehaving with Khushi and she is crying badly
He didn't heard anything else and ran to parking lot to see Khushi on her knees screaming in pain and begging Max to leave her hand who has twisted it painfully behind her back.

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