It'll take more than just a month or two for you to trust them. Even if they were your own blood.

Meanwhile, you walked up to your room and opened the door, flicking on the light to see the interior of it. Light on your feet, you walked over to the side of the bed and pulled out the box containing the vintage record player and the single record disc.

You closed your door before sitting on the ground and pulling out the player, placing it on the floor. It seemed to be a record player with a plug so you could connect it to the electricity switch. You plugged the cable into the record player, then plugged it in the switch that was just near your bed.

With the power connected, you brought the small set of speakers and plugged them in with it. And finally, you grabbed the disc from its cover and pulled it out. You looked at the cover and according to it, it only had a set A. It meant that the song was only carved on one side of the disc. With gentle hands, you place its hole through the small pin in the middle of the turntable and flicked the switch, allowing it to rotate.

Picking up the tone arm, you placed its pin on the grooves of the rotating disc and let it rest against the first line of the Set A side.

It took a few minutes but you began to hear the strumming of the guitar, followed by the piano. The familiar lyrics of a song you once heard rolled out next.

TRUE LOVE by Fumiya Fujii.

It was a really famous song back in 1993, and the more you listened to the lyrics, the more you realised why your uncle kept it. Its lyrics were as if they were written for your uncle, who had lost the love of his life and his unborn child.

It happened when you were only 2-years old but you remembered it after meeting up with your uncle. It was one of the only things you recalled of him.

I looked only at you.

You were the only one I had.

I thought you and I were always dreaming

​​​​​ Of a future that was far, far away...

Yeah, it definitely suited your uncle.

With a sigh leaving your lips, you stopped the turntable and picked up the tone arm from the grooves. You picked up the disc and were about to put it away, when your hand slipped and you accidentally grazed your palm against the bottom of the disc. You bit your lip in annoyance when you realised that you shouldn't touch the sides of the disc as it may cause problems with the grooves.

But then you realised something... That this was a Set A disc and it shouldn't have scratches on the other side.

You felt slight grooves on the back side of the record. When you flipped it upside down, you could barely make out the scratches, but it was still there.

Narrowing your eyes in suspicion, you placed the disc back on the turntable and flicked the switch. Placing the tune arm on the first scratch of the second side, as soon as it started, you heard a chilling music.

It was awfully played cello and with it you could hear the off pitched instruments beginning to add in. Making it a lot more creepier.

If you could make one of your dreams come true

what would you want?

This is really important...

so think carefully before you are born.

A chill ran up your spine as you realised that along with the off tune music, the singers... were children. They were singing this creepy song.

What do you want?

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